Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Die Autonome Universit?t von Barcelona wurde 1968 gegründet und gliedert sich heute in über 50 Departments, die den unterschiedlichen Fakult?ten untergegliedert sind. Die sozialwissenschaftliche Fakult?t legt gro?en Wert auf ein internationales Studium und bietet demnach viele Kurse auf Englisch an. Dennoch ist es von Vorteil, katalanische Sprachkurse zu besuchen, da die prim?re Unterrichtssprache Katalan ist.

    Beachten Sie diesen Hinweis:

    The main teaching language at UAB is Catalan, and the offer of courses in Spanish and English is limited. The limitations came from the fact that we have had an overcrowding of students in the subjects during the last years and our Faculty does not have enough English offer to accommodate all incoming students.

    In order to avoid the past problems when using the “first comes first served” basis regarding the course selection without limitations of language, we needed to setup some rules that let all incoming students have access to our Faculty courses in Spanish and English, which translates into:

    •  Offering a maximum of 30 ECTS per semester, among which we guarantee 2 courses in English (12 ects) and 1 in Spanish (6 ects) per semester, and the rest of the courses in Catalan. We can guarantee this quota, but always under availability (we do not assign specific courses on demand, as students have to make an application to select upon availability and spots are limited). We had to set up these rules in order to be more equitable, and that is why no exceptions could be made.
    • In addition, in order to have access to the courses, it is required a B2 certificate in the language of instruction of the subjects (English or Spanish, no Catalan certificate is required).
    • Students must take at least a 50% of the total ECTS in our faculty, and If should they need to take more courses, they can try to add them from other Faculties under availability during the first weeks of the academic year, and/or depending on the home university requirements, register in language or activities courses susceptible of offering credit recognition. This is not a new requirement, as it has been applied by UAB faculties during the last years.

    Beachten Sie diesen Hinweis:

    The main teaching language at UAB is Catalan, and the offer of courses in Spanish and English is limited. The limitations came from the fact that we have had an overcrowding of students in the subjects during the last years and our Faculty does not have enough English offer to accommodate all incoming students.

    In order to avoid the past problems when using the “first comes first served” basis regarding the course selection without limitations of language, we needed to setup some rules that let all incoming students have access to our Faculty courses in Spanish and English, which translates into:

    •  Offering a maximum of 30 ECTS per semester, among which we guarantee 2 courses in English (12 ects) and 1 in Spanish (6 ects) per semester, and the rest of the courses in Catalan. We can guarantee this quota, but always under availability (we do not assign specific courses on demand, as students have to make an application to select upon availability and spots are limited). We had to set up these rules in order to be more equitable, and that is why no exceptions could be made.
    • In addition, in order to have access to the courses, it is required a B2 certificate in the language of instruction of the subjects (English or Spanish, no Catalan certificate is required).
    • Students must take at least a 50% of the total ECTS in our faculty, and If should they need to take more courses, they can try to add them from other Faculties under availability during the first weeks of the academic year, and/or depending on the home university requirements, register in language or activities courses susceptible of offering credit recognition. This is not a new requirement, as it has been applied by UAB faculties during the last years.