
Bremen Study Prize for Louisa Kinzel

Congratulations to Louisa for winning the Bremen Study Prize for her Master's thesis. Congratulations!

The Bremen Study Prize is awarded annually by the Association of Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University "unifreunde" for outstanding theses. Now Louisa Kinzel (née Granzow) has been awarded the prize for the best Master's thesis in the field of natural sciences and engineering for her work "Deep Learning for Picking Seismic Arrival Times at Neumayer Station".

The digital award ceremony took place on 16 March, you can find more information here. The award winners of the last years can be found here.

Louisa continues her research work in our working group within the Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science with the PhD project "MarDATA - Monitoring a stressed ice shelf - Machine learning algorithms to detect icequakes in 20 years of seismological records at Neumayer station, antarctica" in cooperation with the Alfred Wegener Institute.

Logo der Universit?t Bremen auf einer Glasscheibe.