2019 - Deep Learning and Inverse Problems

Autumn School, November 04th - 08th 2019, University of Bremen

The Research Training Group 2224 on Parameter Identification hosted an autumn school on the intersection of deep learning and inverse problems. It took place at the University of Bremen, November 04 - 08, 2019.

The number of successful applications of deep learning in the context of inverse problems rapidly grows. In this autumn school we laid the foundations of both machine learning and inverse problems, as well as covered current research topics in their intersection. The autumn school targeted advanced Master students, PhD students and PostDocs working on inverse problems, who were interested in the intersection of deep learning and inverse problems.

For more information please visit the Official Webpage


Prof. Dr. Carola-Bibiane Sch?nliebUniversity of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Markus HaltmeierUniversity of Innsbruck, Austria
Dr. Martin BenningQueen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Matthias BethgeMax Planck Institute, Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael M?llerUniversity of Siegen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Nihat AyHamburg University of Technology, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ozan ?ktemKTH Stockholm, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Simon ArridgeUniversity College London, United Kingdom

Organization committee

Dr. Christian EtmannUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Dr. Daniel Otero BaguerUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Dr. Jens BehrmannUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Dr. S?ren DittmerUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Dr. Tobias KluthUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter MaassUniversity of Bremen, Germany
Autumn School