The RTG hosted a summer school on data-driven dynamical systems. It took place at the University of Bremen, July 24th - 26th, 2024 and explored topics like Koopman and transfer operator theory, data-driven approximations and kernel analog forecasting.
Research Training Group π?
Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Implementations
Welcome to the Research Training Group π?
Mathematics can make even the most complex problems manageable by reducing them to the essential. For example, it develops high-dimensional and non-linear models to solve problems of parameter identification that occur in all areas of the natural sciences, life sciences and engineering as well as in industrial and economic applications.
In the graduate program "π?: Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Implementations", PhD students concentrate on the interface between applied mathematics and computer science on questions of parameter identification, which are essentially formulated as high-dimensional minimization problems for suitable functionals.
Center for Industrial Mathematics
+49 421 218 63801
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Center for Industrial Mathematics
+49 421 218 63814
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Gender & Equal oportunities
The RTG π3 aims at providing an open minded, scientifically stimulating environment for its diverse group of doctoral students regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, origin, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age or dis-/ability. This is also supported by our Soft Skills program which focuses on the topics of equal opportunity and awareness.