Winter retreat 2022

The RTG Winter Retreat 2022 took place from 17.10.-19.10. at the Ludwig-Windhorts-Haus in Lingen (Ems).

We departed together by bus from Bremen on Monday morning. Around noon we arrived in Lingen and settled into our rooms. As some new PhD students from the third cohort were joining us for this retreat already, we started with a short round of introductions. Afterwards we had the first part of the workshop “Intercultural Awareness - Leading, Guiding, Mentoring” by Dr. Sardar M. Kohistani (Samin World). This gave us time to share and reflect on our doctoral thesis mentoring. On the second day the workshop continued. Here the focus was on working in intercultural teams and what special challenges and chances there can be in this context.

On the last day, the focus was once again on the RTG. Pascal Fensel presented the structure of the RTG for the third cohort. Afterwards, we had a “Life Inside RTG” session, in which questions from the third cohort could be addressed and we reflected on the last year.

The retreat again offered a good opportunity for exchange. Friederike Preu?e and Lena Ranke have volunteered to organize the next winter retreat in 2023.

Winter Retreat 2022