A2: Automotive motor and exhaust management


Block course, 1 week


Technical functioning of combustion engines; thermodynamic modelling of motor components; energy conservation; turbochargers; exhaust gas-recirculation; exhaust gas-aftertreadment; mean-value modeling; parameter dependence of component models; connection to direct optimisation; issues arising from practical measurement technique.


Since model-based control of combustion engines makes a major contribution to lower emissions of modern engines this course will focus on modeling components of combustion engines. The course starts with a description of the general technical functioning of combustion engines and fundamentals of thermodynamic modelling (e.g., energy conservation). A special focus will be on modeling the gas-system, which involves turbochargers, exhaust gas-recirculation and -aftertreadment by mean-value models. Different granularities (e.g., characteristic maps or ordinary differential equations) for modeling the dynamic behavior of this components will be discussed and investigated by analysing real data. The mathematical part of the course will put the main focus on the connection of these component models to parameter identification with direct optimisation approaches. Apart from identifiability and uniqueness of the optimal solution special issues from practical measurement techniques (e.g., sensor noise) will be addressed.

Basic texts

  • L. Guzzella, C. Onder. Introduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
  • M. Jung. Mean-Value Modelling and Robust Control of the Airpath of a turbocharged Diesel Engine. Dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2003.
  • Schedule

    Dateiname: Schedule-courseA2_WiSe2016_17.png
    ?nderungsdatum: 25.10.2020