

Die Mitarbeiter:innen des SZHB sind regelm??ig auf Tagungen zum Lehren und Lernen von Sprachen sowie mit Beitr?gen in unterschiedlichen Publikationen vertreten.

Behrens, M. & Müller-Karabil, A. (2024). Integrating peer support and the use of a feedback tool for improving academic writing in a Higher Education classroom setting. Teacher Researchers and Researcher Teachers: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap at University Language Centers, Bozen, Italy

Buschmann-G?bels, A. (2024). Workshop Lern- und Schreibberatung für Studierende - Einführung in Konzepte und Chancen. AKS-FOBIcert? Sommerschule Paderborn

Buschmann-G?bels, A., D?nhoff, I., Hagen, C., Müller-Karabil, A., Raaf, B., Tassinari, M.-G, (2024). Workshop Interaktion und Kollaboration in SLZs f?rdern: Lernformate, Materialien und Raumgestaltung. 8. Bremer Symposion.

Harsch, C. (2024). The impact of the CEFR beyond Europe. EALTA, Online presentation for the Research Forum in the MA multilingual program, University of Tel Aviv, Israel.

Harsch, C. (2024). The role of standards in language policy. New Directions Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.

Harsch, C. (2024). Szenarien und Referenzrahmen – ein handlungsorientierter Ansatz. Fachtag der Fachstelle Berufsbezogenes Deutsch zur 10 Jahres-Feier des Szenario-Ansatzes in der Deutschausbildung, online. https://www.deutsch-am-arbeitsplatz.de/aktuelles/10-jahre-szenario-methode-linkliste 

Harsch, C. (2024). Overview of steps involved in developing CEFR-aligned tests for signed languages. EALTA SIG International Sign Language, online.

Harsch, C. (2024). Discussant in the symposium on Reforming the Diagnosis of L2 Abilities: The Complementary Contributions of Dynamic and Diagnostic Language Assessment Frameworks. LTRC Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.

Harsch, C. (2024). The impact of the CEFR beyond Europe. EALTA Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LtXD7qa1-s

Toprak Yildiz, T. E., & Harsch, C. (2024). Diagnosing L2 English academic reading ability in the CEFR context: A CDA approach. LTRC Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.

Delgado-Osorio, X., Koval, V., Hartig, J., & Harsch, C. (2024). Sequence analysis of log data: An application example from a study of integrated writing. LTRC Conference, Innsbruck, Austria

Behrens, M., & Harsch, C. (2023). Integrating reading and writing and the role of a plagiarism-detection tool to enhance student learning in advanced academic English courses. 8. Bremer Symposion, SZHB Bremen, Germany.

Harsch, C. (2023). What it means to be at a CEFR-Level (?Qué significa estar en un nivel del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas?). SABER Conference, Universidad de Havana, Cuba.

Harsch, C. (2023). Der GER, sein Begleitband, die Niveaus und der Einsatz in der Praxis. Universit?t Innsbruck, Austria.

Harsch, C. (2023). Formative Language Assessment in the Time of COVID 19: Lessons Learned. ILTA Webinar, online.

Harsch, C., & CLAN Team Cuba. (2023). Using the CEFR for aligning teaching, learning and assessment – Practices in Cuba and Germany. ALTE 59th Meeting, Rome, Italy.

Harsch, C., & Collada Pe?a, I. d. l. C. (2023). Adapting the CEFR for the Cuban Higher Education context. In SIG CEFR at the EALTA Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Hartig, J., Koval, V., Delgado, X., Kanistra, V., & Harsch, C. (2023). Validation of a rating scale for computer-based integrated assessment in a lingua franca context. LTRC Conference, New York City, NY, United States.

Hartig, J., Koval, V., Delgado, X., & Harsch, C. (2023). Wie interpretieren novice raters eine neue Rating Scale zum integrierten Schreiben? Einsichten aus quantitativen und qualitativen Perspektiven. Kolloquium empirische Bildungsforschung, Hirschegg, Austria.

Koval, V., Delgado, X., Harsch, C., & Hartig, J. (2023). Online implementation of a project for an integrated writing assessment. LTRC Conference, New York City, NY, United States.

Koval, V., Delgado, X., Harsch, C., & Hartig, J. (2023). Online implementation of an integrated writing assessment. 8. Bremer Symposion, SZHB Bremen, Germany.

Kozik-Rafii, V., Zedler, M. (2023): Zwei auf einen Streich: Ein Boost für Mehrsprachigkeit durch Mehrsprachenkursen an universit?ren Sprachenzentren in FuH https://ojs.ub.rub.de/index.php/FuH/article/view/11264

Buschmann-G?bels, A., D?nhoff, I., Hagen, C., Tassinari, M.-G. (2022). Selbstlernzentren nach der Pandemiezeit: auf dem Weg zu neuen hybriden Modellen?. 32. AKS-Arbeitstagung an der TU Darmstatt - Online.

Buschmann-G?bels, A., Lange, S., Rodewald, C. (2022). (Sprach-)Lernberatung in digitalen Settings? M?glichkeiten und Grenzen. 1. AKS-Online-Konferenz.

Delgado, X., Hartig, J., Harsch, C., & Koval, V. (2022). Text strategic processing in reading-into-writing tasks: A comparison between summary and argumentative tasks. 52. DGP Kongress, Hildesheim, Germany.

Harsch, C. (2022). Developing CEFR-based assessment rubrics and rating scales. Council of Europe, online.

Harsch, C. (2022). Die duale Funktion von Sprachtests in der Fremdsprachenforschung – Forschungsinstrument und Untersuchungsgegenstand. DGFF Kolleg, online.

Harsch, C., & Collada Pe?a, I. d. l. C. (2022). Aligning a new proficiency exam for English to the Common European Framework of References (CEFR). Sixth Conference of the Cuban Pedagogical Association for Teaching English, Havana, Cuba.

Harsch, C., Hartig, J., Koval, V., & Delgado, X. (2022). Evolving contexts: Post-entry diagnosis in German Higher Education. 18th EALTA Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Harsch, C., & Vogel, D. (2022). Interaktion im Online-Unterricht: Was wir aus dem ersten Covid-Semester gelernt haben. Fachtag der GEW Bremen ?Eine Schule viele Sprachen“, Bremen, Germany.

Hartig, J., Delgado, X., Harsch, C., & Koval, V. (2022). Erfassung von akademisch-schriftsprachlichen Kompetenzen im Englischen mit integrierten Schreibaufgaben. 52. DGP Kongress, Hildesheim, Germany.

Koval, V., Harsch, C., Delgado, X., & Hartig, J. (2022). Adjustment of rating practices to improve assessment quality of academic integrated writing. 18th EALTA Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Buschmann-G?bels, A., Lübker, L., Haber, O., Rodewald, C. (2023). Sprachliche Unterstützungsangebote für Lehrkr?fte mit Fluchthintergrund - wissenschaftlich begleitet. 7. Bremer Symposion

Harsch, C. (2021). What the CEFR can do for English Language Education. Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, India.

Harsch, C. (2021). Developing rating scales in multilingual contexts. LTRC Conference, online.

Harsch, C. (2021). Eine kritische Betrachtung des Gemeinsamen Europ?ischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen. AG Sprache, Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa, Bremen, Germany.

Harsch, C. (2021). Referenzrahmen und Begleitband: Kritischer Rückblick und Ausblick nach vorn. 2. Internationale Konferenz ?Fokus DaF/DaZ“, German Jordanian University, Amman, online.

Harsch, C., & Collada Pe?a, I. d. l. C. (2021). Developing language assessment literacy in Germany and Cuba – A responsive approach. International Symposium PEARLANGUAGE, Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba, online.

Harsch, C., & Collada Pe?a, I. d. l. C. (2021). Variations on B1 – How the CEFR was adapted for Cuban Higher Education. UCIENCIA Conference, Havana, Cuba, online.

Müller-Karabil, A., Buchminskaia, E., & Harsch, C. (2021). Interaktion online: Was wir aus dem ersten Covid-Semester gelernt haben. AKS-Tagung, online.

Harsch, C. (2020). Is my B2 your B2? Or what it means to be at a CEFR level. YUFE Lecture Series, online.

Harsch, C. (2020). Panel on Power of Tests: Creating opportunity and fostering inclusion. 8th East Asia New Directions in English Language Assessment Conference, online. Verfügbar unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSAj0m5MQfE

Harsch, C. (2019). Bald 20 Jahre Referenzrahmen: Bilanz, Kritik und aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen – ein Diskussionsansto?. FaDaF Jahrestagung, TU Chemnitz, Germany.

Harsch, C. (2019). Referenzrahmen und Companion Volume – eine kritische Bilanz. Zur Sache, FaDaF!, Universit?t G?ttingen, Germany.

Harsch, C., & Müller-Karabil, A. (2019). Geflüchtete an Bremer Hochschulen: Sprachliche Vorbereitung und akademische Integration. Bremer Rat für Integration, Bremen, Germany.

Harsch, C. (2018). The importance of building local networks for professional development. LAALTA and TESOL Chile Conference, Valparaíso, Chile.

Harsch, C. (2018). Is my B2 your B2? What contribution can the CEFR realistically make to test equivalence? Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.

Harsch, C. (2018). Is my B2 your B2? What contribution can the CEFR realistically make to test equivalence? Language Testing Research Center, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.

Harsch, C. (2018). Revising achievement exams – marrying them with CEFR proficiency levels. School of Education, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Harsch, C. (2018). Reform of the Austrian Matura: Legacy and challenges. Symposium in honour of Dr. Carol Spoettl, Universit?t Innsbruck, Austria.

Buschmann-G?bels, Astrid / Rodewald, Christine: ?Und was ist der n?chste Schritt?“ Tutorielle Lernberatung für Geflüchtete auf dem Weg zum Studium oder zur Lehrt?tigkeit in Deutschland.  AKS-Arbeitstagung Beratung und Coaching in Sprachlernprozessen 2017, Universit?t Potsdam, September 2017

Harsch, Claudia/Seyferth, Sybille/ Brandt, Anikó: Developing assessment literacy in a dynamic collaborative project: what teachers, assessment coordinators, and assessment researchers can learn from and with each other. LTRC, Bogota, Columbia, Juli 2017

Harsch, Claudia: Assessment Literacy for Higher Education – setting up a Cuban Network of Language Testers. In collaboration with Ivonne de la Caridad Collada Pe?a, University of Informatics Sciences, Havana, Cuba, supported by a travel grant from the International Association of Language testing and Assessment, Juli 2017

Harsch, Claudia: Refugees and their language learning journeys into higher education in Germany. EALTA conference, Paris, France, Juni 2017

Harsch Claudia: Assessment Literacy entwickeln – ein kollaboratives Projekt mit Lehrenden, Koordinatorinnen und Forschenden. Ringvorlesung im Graduiertenkolleg Unterrichtsprozesse an der Universit?t Koblenz-Landau, Juni 2017

Harsch Claudia: Language learning and teaching resources: using synergies between teachers and researchers. Launch of the Language Learning resource Centre at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, Juni 2017

Harsch, Claudia: Use (and misuse?) of the CEFR in educational and other assessment contexts. Research Group Language & Education at the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, Mai 2017

Buschmann-G?bels, Astrid / Rodewald, Christine: Learning with Digital Media - Experience from Language Learning.  International Conference (DAAD) "Developing International Teaching and Research trough University Cooperation Projects, University of Bremen, September 2016

Harsch, Claudia: EALTA Summer School: Assessing Speaking and Writing. Universit?t Innsbruck, ?sterreich, August 2016

Harsch, Claudia: Exploring the potential of dynamic assessment for fostering students’ interculturality. IEREST Symposium, University of Bologna, Italy, September 2015

Harsch, Claudia: Conceptualising English as a Lingua Franca for assessment purposes. BAAL Seminar, University of York, UK, Juni 2015

Harsch, Claudia/Ushioda; Ema/Ladroue, Christophe: Predictive Validity of TOEFL iBT? - informing admissions policy/practice in a UK setting. EALTA conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Mai 2015

Harsch, Claudia: Using Dynamic Assessment for Fostering and Assessing Intercultural Competences among University Students. Edinburgh TESOL and Applied Language (ETAL) Seminar, UK, April 2015

Harsch, Claudia/ Hartig, Johannes: C-tests outperform Y/N vocabulary tests as predictors of
receptive language skills. LTRC Toronto, Canada, M?rz 2015

Buschmann-G?bels, Astrid/Stollmann, Katrina: Supporting Postgraduate Writers in Bremen. Vortrag beim 2. Symposium on Supporting L2 Writing Competencies at German Universities, Osnabruck (DE), 12-13 M?rz 2015

Brandt, Anikó/Stollmann, Katrina: Post-Graduate Writers in Bremen: An academic support program for doctorate students and researchers. Vortrag auf der 1. International Conference: Language Centres in Higher Education, Brno (Tschechische Republik) 15. – 17. Januar 2015.

Harsch, Claudia/ Ushioda, Ema/ Ladroue, Christophe: Predictive Validity of TOEFL iBT?: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives (poster). Language Testing Forum, Southampton, UK, November 2014

Harsch, Claudia: Experiences from introducing Educational Monitoring in Germany. ALTE Conference, London, UK, November 2014

Brandt, Anikó/Behrent, Sigrid: Portfolioarbeit für Lerner und Dozenten: Ein Praxistest. Vortrag auf der 13. Internationalen CercleS Konferenz, Fribourg (CH), 4. – 6. September 2014.

Harsch, Claudia/ Hartig, Johannes: Towards a universal framework of difficulty-determining characteristics – comparing listening and reading test items, Symposium Item-Difficulty Modeling at the LTRC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Juni 2014

Harsch, Claudia/Ushioda, Ema/French, Simon: Could a “universal framework” improve TOEFL iBT? score interpretation for students /tutors? LTRC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Juni 2014

Harsch, Claudia: Intercultural Competencies for entering the global workplace – a possible approach to assessment and validation. ALTE Conference, Paris, France, April 2014


Harsch, Claudia: From norm-to standards-based assessment. CBSE-CAER International Conference, New Delhi, India, April 2014

Stollmann, Katrina: Advanced Academic Writing for Scholars at the Fremdsprachenzentrum Bremen. Vortrag bei der 28. AKS Arbeitstagung, Braunschweig (DE), 27 Februar - 01 M?rz 2014

Brandt, Anikó/Behrent, Sigrid/D?nhoff, Ilka: Sprachlehre meets Lehreraus- und weiterbildung: Der Einsatz des ePortfolios EPOS auf Lehrer- und Lernerebene. Vortrag auf der 2. Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagung, 7. - 9. November 2013.

Brandt, Anikó/D?nhoff, Ilka: On the road to autonomous learning: language teaching practice meets teacher education. Vortrag auf der IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG) Local Conference, 28. September 2013, Hannover.

Harsch, Claudia: Issues in language assessment. Leuphana-Universit?t Lüneburg, Institute for English Studies, Deutschland, Mai 2013 - Online verfügbar

Harsch, Claudia/Hartig, Johannes: What are we aligning tests to when we report test alignment to the CEFR? EALTA Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, Mai 2013

Harsch, Claudia: Assessing Writing: Investigating different rating approaches in terms of their validity. International Seminar at the Regional English Language Centre, Singapore, M?rz 2013.

Harsch, Claudia: Enhancing Integration through training and assessing intercultural skills. Integration Summit, University of Warwick, UK, M?rz 2013

Buschmann-G?bels, Astrid / Rodewald, Christine: Selbstlernen mit Beratung. Neue Wege 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育sprachiger Lernumgebungen. Internationale Konferenz Sprachenpolitik und Sprachlehre, Universit?t Freiburg, April 2012.

Harsch, Claudia: Aligning Writing Assessment to the Common European Framework. University of Helsinki, Finland, Dezember 2012.

Harsch, Claudia/Hartig, Johannes: Effects of selected item characteristics on difficulty and dimensionality of receptive tests. Language Testing Forum, Bristol, UK, November 2012.

Harsch, Claudia: Writing Assessment and the Common European Framework of Reference. 11th International ELT Convention at the Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Mai 2012.

Harsch, Claudia/ Spoettl, Carol: From principle to practice in writing assessment: What can we learn from large-scale tests for classroom assessment? IATEFL TEASIG Pre-Conference Event, Glasgow, UK, M?rz 2012.

Anikó Brandt: Empowering students to learn: independent language learning: EPOS and a class-independent tutorial programme. MOLAN case study by the Language Centre of the Universities of Bremen. Vortrag auf der Closing Conference of the MOLAN project (Network for the exchange of information about good practices that serve to motivate language learners), Brüssel, 28. Januar 2011.

Harsch, Claudia/ Rossa, Henning: F?rderung produktiver Sprachkompetenzen – Diagnose und Rückmeldung. DGFF-Tagung, Hamburg, Germany, September 2011.

Harsch, Claudia: Pre-conference workshop Assessing Writing. EALTA Conference, Siena, Italy, Mai 2011.

Harsch, Claudia/Rossa, Henning: Diagnosing learners’ L2 development – an issue of ethics in language testing? EALTA, Siena, Italy, Mai 2011.

Harsch, Claudia: Rating approaches: top-down or bottom-up? University of Essex, Dept. of Language and Linguistics, UK, Mai 2011.

Brandt, Anikó: Kollegiale Hospitationen - Status Quo an deutschen Sprachlehrzentren. Vortrag auf der 26. AKS-Arbeitstagung, Bochum 25. Februar 2010.

Harsch, Claudia: Assessing the Communicative in Intercultural Communication. Language Testing Forum, Lancaster, UK, November 2010.

Harsch, Claudia: Performanzen überprüfen – Synergien zwischen Lern- und Testaufgaben nutzen. 3rd ?GSD Kongress, Innsbruck, ?sterreich, September 2010.

Harsch, Claudia: Developing and assessing intercultural competence – can dynamic assessment be a way forward? Symposium, BAAL Conference, Aberdeen, UK, September 2010.

Harsch, Claudia/Hartig, Johannes: An examination of difficulty-determining characteristics in reading and listening tasks. EALTA Conference, Den Haag, The Netherlands, Mai 2010.

Kühn, B?rbel/Brandt, Anikó: ELAPONT- Project: Enhancing e-portfolios for language learning. Vortrag bei der 11. Internationalen CercleS-Konferenz, Helsinki, 3. September 2010.

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