Prof. Dr. Leonie Tuitjer

Juniorprofessur "Humangeographie mit dem Schwerpunkt sozial-?kologische Transformation" im Fachbereich 8 Sozialwissenschaften und Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe Socio-ecological transformation in times of multiple crises
- Infrastrukturen im Kontext sozial-?kologischer Transformationen
- Nachhaltiger Konsum
- Geographische Einstellungsforschung zum Thema Klimawandel
- Klimawandel und Vertreibung/Migration
Tuitjer, L. (2018) (Dissertation). Sensing the Waterscape: Re-Assembling the Politics of Climate Change and Displacement in Bangkok, Thailand. Durham University (UK). Online:
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023). Editorial: Infrastructures and migration. Geographica Helvetica, 78 (4), 559–565.
Aufs?tze in Fachzeitschriften mit peer review (SSCI-/SCI-gelistete Zeitschriften & andere)
Mewes, L., Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2024). Exploring the variances of climate change opinions in Germany at a fine-grained local scale. Nature Communications 15, 1867.
Tuitjer, L., Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, G. (2023). Social Infrastructures in Times of Corona: Exploring the Ambiguities of Sociality, Practices, and Materiality. Space and Culture, 0(0).
Tuitjer, L. & Schaefer, K.J. (2023). Immobility and COVID-19: comparing mobility reduction among socio-demographic groups in a large German city during the pandemic. Transportation.
Dirksmeier, P., Nolte, K, Mewes, L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023). The role of climate change awareness for trust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 094043.
Lütkes, L., Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2023). Sailing to save the planet? Media-produced narratives of Greta Thunberg’s trip to the UN Climate Summit in German print newspapers. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, Article No 242.
Tuitjer, L. (2023). Unruly waters: exploring the embodied dimension of flood risk through materiality, affect and emotions in Bangkok, Thailand. Geographica Helvetica (Special Issue: Affect und Emotionen in Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen), 78, 281–290.
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2023). Intra-urbane und inter-urbane Vergleiche als Methode Reflexionen zu ihrem Potenzial anhand der Fallstudien Bangkok und G?teborg.Geographische Zeitschrift. 111(4), 218-243.
Tuitjer, L., Tuitjer, G. & Müller, A.-L. (2023). Buycotting to save the neighbourhood? exploring the altered meaning of social infrastructures of consumption during the Covid-19 crisis in Linden, Hannover, Germany. Social & Cultural Geography, 24:3-4, 640-660, DOI:
Dirksmeier, P. & Tuitjer, L. (2022). Do trust and renewable energy use enhance perceived climate change efficacy in Europe? Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Tuitjer, L., Dirksmeier, P. & Mewes, L. (2022). Geographies of climate change opinion. Geography Compass 16(5), e12619.
Tuitjer, L. & Dirksmeier, P. (2021). Social media use and perceived climate change efficacy: a European comparison. Digital Geography and Society. 2, e100018.
Sch?fer, K., Tuitjer, L.&Levin-Keitel, M. (2021). Transport disrupted - studying substitution effects of Hanover’s public transport under COVID-19. Transportation Research Part A (Policy and Practice). Online first:
Batréau, Q. & Tuitjer, L. (2021). Finding Shelter in New Places - Exploring the Growing Diversity of Refugee Populations in Middle Income Countries. Journal of Refugee Studies. feaa129.
Tuitjer, L. (2021). Exploring urban verticality during the 2011 flood in Bangkok, Thailand. Area 53(2), pp. 336-344.
Tuitjer, L. & Müller, A.-L. (2021). Re-thinking urban infrastructures as spaces for learning. Geography Compass. 15(1), e12552.
Tuitjer, L. (2019): Bangkok flooded: re(assembling) disaster mobility. Mobilities, 14(5), pp. 648-664.
Tuitjer, L. & Batréau, Q. (2019). Urban refugees in a “non-convention” city: Assembling Refugee Agency in Bangkok, Thailand. City –analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 23(1), pp. 1-16.
Tuitjer, L. (2019). From Boats to Bikes? Assembling contestations along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand. Projections, Vol. 14. Online:
Tuitjer, G., Tuitjer, L. & Müller, A.-L. (2024). Rupturing the mundane in times of crisis: New geographies of food in Hannover, Germany. In: Bohn, K. & Tomkins, M. (eds).: Urban Food Mapping. Making Visible the Edible City. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 120-127. ISBN: 9781032402819
Müller, A.-L. & Tuitjer, L. (2022). Re-vitalising discourses of solidarity: Governing populations in times of uncertainty and crisis. In: M. Hellmann; T. Kettunen; S. Salmivaara; J. Stoneham (eds.): Social Control Policies: Governing Human Lives and Health in Times of Pandemics. Routledge: New York & London.
Tuitjer, L.(2020). Assembling climate change related displacement. In: Adey, P., Bowstead, J., Brickell, K., Desai, V., Dolton, M., Pinkerton, A., Siddiqi, A. (Eds.), Handbook of Displacement. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 89-97.
Tuitjer, L. (2020). Chapter 22. Scapegoating Identities in the Anthropocene. In: Milstein, T. and Castro-Sotomayor, J. (ed.): Handbook of Ecocultural Identity. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 365-382. ISBN: 9781138478411
Tuitjer, L. (2019). The political affect of sound: Experiencing everyday nationalism through sound in Bangkok’s transport infrastructure. In: Doughty, K. Duffy, M. & Harada, T.: More-than-representational approaches to music. In: Cultural Geography Series, Edward-Elgar Publishing, edited by Katy Crossan, pp. 175-188.
Tuitjer, L. & Chevalier, ?. (2015). L’initiative Nansen et le développement d’un agenda international de protection des populations déplacées à travers les frontiéres. In: Cournil, C. & Vlassopoullos, C. (ed.): Mobilité Humaine et Environnement –Du Global Au Local. Nature et Sociéte Series. ?ditions Quae: Versailles, Cedex, pp. 141-162.
Diskussionspapiere, Konferenzbeitr?ge & Essays
Tuitjer, L.& Hubner, E. (2021). #Bushfiresaustralia: Instagramming climate futures. Lo Squaderno 58, pp. 27-30. Online:
Tuitjer, L., Tuitjer, G. und Müller, A.L. (2020). ?COVID-19 und das (neu) Lernen von sozialen Infrastrukturen. Ergebnisse aus einem (auto-)ethnographischen Projekt in Krisenzeiten“. In: Konferenzbeitr?ge COVID-19 als Z?sur? Geographische Perspektiven auf R?ume, Gesellschaften und Technologien in der Pandemie. Online:
Tuitjer, L. & Batréau, Q. (2020). Urban Fears – Urban Refuge: Exploring asylum seeker’s fear in Bangkok. Lo Squaderno. 57, pp. 61-64. Online:
Tuitjer, L. (2020). Meeting power with ethics? Exploring the multiple dimensions of positionality within a postcolonial setting. Sentio Journal -An interdisciplinary social science journal. Volume 2: Theory and Practice in Research Ethics. Online:
Grote, U., Dietrich, J., Ibendorf, J., Werthmann, C., Gabbert, W., Liefner, I., Nolte, K., Onken, H., Schlurmann, T., Schmieder, U., Tuitjer, L., Weichgrebe, D. (2019). Migration und r?umliche Transformation. Theoretische Ans?tze, empirische Erkenntnisse, interdisziplin?re Perspektiven. Leibniz Forschungszentrum TRUST. TRUST-Schriftenreihe. Diskussionspapier Nr. 1/2019. Hannover. 74 S. DOI: 10.15488/5212
Tuitjer, L. (2019). Forschen im Globalen Süden: Forschungsethik als transformative Kraft., Forschungsberichte der ARL: R?umliche Transformation: Prozesse, Konzepte, Forschungsdesigns, 10, pp. 117-129.
Tuitjer, L. (2018). Floods, animals and shared urban futures? Metropolitiques. Online:
Tuitjer, L. (2016). Literature Review: Michele Lancione (ed.) Rethinking Life at the Margins: Assembling Context. Society and Space, Online:
seit April 2023
Junior Professor am artec mit dem Schwerpunkt sozial-?kologische Transformation
Postdoc am Institut für Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeographie (Leibniz Universit?t, Hannover)
PhD in Human Geographie (Durham University, UK); Forschungsaufenthalt an der Chulalongkorn Universit?t (Thailand)
MA in Research Methods in Human Geography (Durham University, UK)
MA Erasmus Mundus: Global Studies from a European Perspective; Studienaufenthalte an der Roskilde Universit?t (D?nemark); Macquarie Universit?t (Australien) und der Universit?t Wien (?sterreich)
BA in Politikwissenschaften und Englisch (Profil Lehramt) (Georg-August Universit?t, G?ttingen); Auslandssemester an der Pune Universit?t (Indien)
Universit?t Bremen
Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Seminar- und Forschungsverfügungsgeb?ude (SFG)
Raum SFG S2360
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28359 Bremen
Postfach 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
Tel. +49 (0) 421 / 218-61843
Fax: +49 (0) 421 / 218-9861843