BRISE - Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development (BRISE)

Der türkise Farbkleck "BRISEL" mit dem Schriftzug " BRISE - Bremer Initiative zur St?rkung frühkindlicher Entwicklung"


Prolongation of funding period

Since 1st March 2025

BRISE is happy to anounce the prologation of the funding period until 28 February, 2029!!

We would like to thank the institutions that are funding the project, the participating BRISE families, and the BRISE team for the success of our project.

Recent conference contribution

Birgit Mathes, Ulrike Frischen, ?mer Koc, Robin Kemmerich, Annika S. Wienke (2024). Including EEG-measures within longitudinal development studies - concepts and preliminary data from a German cohort study

Presented by Prof. Birgit Mathes at the IPEG Conference, Nov. 21.-24, 2024, Izmir, Turkey.

Latest publications

Special Issue Human Brain Responses and Functional Brain Networks across the Lifespan, in: Brain Sciences, Editors: Birgit Mathes & Canan Ba?ar-Ero?lu

Looking for a thesis (B.A., M.A.) in the fields of psychology, neuroscience or public health?

We offer theses (Bachelor and Master) on various topics in early childhood development, with the possibility of evaluating questionnaires, EEG data, or conducting systematic reviews on the aspects of social disadvantage, migration, child development, early help, etc. Are you interested? Then please contact us at briseprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de!


Stay up to date with our latest BRISE Newsletter:

Further information for families on BRISE can be found here: