Michelle Schynawa, M.A.

? Privat
Research Assistant
Health promotion and prevention, M. A.
University of Bremen
Mary-Somerville-Str. 3, room 9.3140 (Haus Salzburg)
28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)421-218-68667
E-Mail: schynawa@uni-bremen.de
Research interests and projects
- Health-promoting settings
- Social inequility
- Sports and nutrition
- Prevention of mental illness
since 2003 | Research assistant at the University of Bremen, Germany. Project: BRISE |
2020-2023 | Master study Health Promotion and Prevention, University of Bremen, Germany Title of master thesist: The impact of early intervention programs within the BRISE project in times of the Covid 19 pandemic in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods in Bremen. |
2017-2020 | Bachelor study Public Health, University of Bremen, Germany Title der bachelor thesis: The evidence of dance interventions in therapy with Parkinson's disease patients? |