Michelle Schynawa, M.A.

? Privat

Research Assistant

Health promotion and prevention, M. A.


University of Bremen

Mary-Somerville-Str. 3, room 9.3140 (Haus Salzburg)

28359 Bremen, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)421-218-68667

E-Mail: schynawa@uni-bremen.de

Research interests and projects

  • Health-promoting settings
  • Social inequility
  • Sports and nutrition
  • Prevention of mental illness


since 2003Research assistant at the University of Bremen, Germany. Project: BRISE

Master study Health Promotion and Prevention, University of Bremen, Germany

Title of master thesist: The impact of early intervention programs within the BRISE project in times of the Covid 19 pandemic in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods in Bremen.


Bachelor study Public Health, University of Bremen, Germany

Title der bachelor thesis: The evidence of dance interventions in therapy with Parkinson's disease patients?