Laboratory Equipment

StadiMP X-ray diffractometer
StadiMP, Stoe & Cie, Darmstadt
- Powder diffraction
- Mo / Ag radiation (monochromatic)
- Debye-Scherrer / Bragg-Brentano
- Dectris Mythen Detector
- Oxford Cryosystems PheniX (12 K - 310 K)
- Anton Paar HTK 1200N (300 K - 1473 K, Bragg-Brentano and Debye-Scherrer)
- Stoe HT2 (300 K - 1873 K)

D8 Discover X-ray diffractometer
D8 Discover, Bruker AXS, Karlsruhe
- Powder diffraction
- Cu radiation
- LynxEye Detector
- HTK-1200N

D8 Venture X-ray diffractometer
D8 Discover, Bruker AXS, Karlsruhe
- Single crystal diffraction
- Mo radiation
- Operating temperature: 173 K - 1273 K

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
JSM-6510, Jeol (Germany) GmbH, Freising
Scanning electron miscroscope
- Tungsten cathode
- Resolution (theor.): 3 nm @ 30 kV
- Secondary electrons
- Backscattered electrons
- X-ray spectrum

Raman Spectroscope
LabRam ARAMIS, Horiba Jobin Yvon
- Lasers: 532 nm, 633 nm and 785 nm
- Measuring range: 35 - 8000 cm-1(with 532 nm), 100 - 6000 cm-1(with 633 nm), 100 - 2200 cm-1(with 785 nm)
- Stokes: Yes (with 532 nm), Yes (with 633 nm), Yes (with 785 nm)
- Anti-Stokes: Yes (with 532 nm), No (with 633 nm), No (with 785 nm)
- Temperature range: 78 to 1773 K
- Sample states: powder, single crystal, pellet, liquid, gas, amorphous, microcrystalline, nanocrystalline and quantum dots
- In-situ measurement: Yes

Fourier-Transform-Infrared-Spectroscope (FT-IR)
VERTEX 80v FT-IR Spectrometer, Bruker Optics
- Measuring range: 10-300 cm-1 (FIR), 400-4000 cm-1 (MIR), 4000-20000 cm-1(NIR)
- Sample conditions: powder, single crystal, pellet
- Temperature range: 80 to 1773 K

UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Shimadzu
- Spectroscopic analysis of liquids and solids
- Measuring range: 190 nm to 1100 nm
- Resolution: 0.01 nm to 5.0 nm
- UV-Vis accessory for diffuse reflection (UV-Vis DiffusIR(TM), Pike Technologies Inc.)
- Temperature-dependent measurements in the range 273 K to 1273 K (temperature chamber, Pike Technologies Inc.)
- Software: UVProbe 2.70, TempPro(TM)

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
STARe System TGA/DSC 3+, Mettler Toledo
- Technology: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- Sensor: heat flow
- Temperature range: 123 K - 973 K
- Sampling rate: max 50 data points/s
- Heating rate per min.: 0.02 K - 300 K
- Cooling rate per min.: 0.02 K - 50 K

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) with DSC
STARe System TGA/DSC 3+, Mettler Toledo
- Technology: simultaneous thermal analysis (TGA/DSC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TGA)
- Sensor: mass, heat flow
- Temperature range: 303 K - 1873 K
- Sampling rate: 10 data points/s
- Heating rate per min.: 2 K - 250 K
- Cooling rate per min.: 0.02 K - 50 K

Digital Lightmicroscope (LM)
Axio Imager M2m, ZEISS
For materials research, upright research microscope for sophisticated imaging in fluorescence and transmitted light.
- Reflected light and transmitted light microscopy
- Polarization microscopy using an analyser slider
- Software-supported image evaluation (ZEISS ZENN)
- Temperature-dependent measurements in the range 77 K to 873 K (LINKAM stage: THMS600)
- Non-destructive examination of samples

Photocatalysis Testsystem 1
Standardized test system 1 (STD1)
- Exploratory investigation of photocatalytically active materials
- Measurement type: "ex situ"
- Probing investigation of photocatalytically active materials
- Excitation sources (LEDs) in the range: approx. 275 nm, 385 nm, 460 nm, 660 nm, white light (380-850 nm)
- Sample holder: Measuring cuvettes
- Sample form: powder
- Measuring times in the range from minutes to hours
- Dyes: methylene blue, methyl orange, nitrophenols

Photocatalysis Testsystem 2
Standardized Test System 2 (STD2)
- Systematic investigation of photocatalytically active materials
- Type of measurement: "ex situ"
- Excitation sources (LEDs) in the range: approx. 275 nm, 385 nm, 460 nm, 660 nm, white light (380-850 nm)
- Sample holder: photocatalytic reaction vessel with integrated measuring cuvette
- Sample shape: layers on ceramic substrates
- Measuring times in the range from minutes to hours
- Dyes: methylene blue, methyl orange, nitrophenols

Photocatalysis Testsystem 3
Standardized Test System 3 (STD3)
- Systematic investigation of photocatalytically active materials
- Type of measurement: "in operando"
- Excitation sources (LEDs) in the range: approx. 275 nm, 385 nm, 460 nm, 660 nm, white light (380-850 nm)
- Sample holder: flow cell
- Sample form: layers on microscope slides
- Measuring times in the range from minutes to hours
- Dyes: methylene blue, methyl orange, nitrophenols

Hydrothermal System
Hydrothermal system digestec DAB-2, Berghof
For syntheses and digestions under high pressure.
- Working pressure: up to 200 bar
- Temperature: up to 473 K
- 6 slots
- Filling height Teflon sleeve: 50 mL
- Programmable pressure and temperature control

Chamber- and Tubefurnaces
Chamber furnace CWF1200, Carbolite (picture top left)
- Room temperature up to 1150°C with various heating rates and holding times possible (also 1200°C for a short time)
Chamber furnace RHF1600, Carbolite (picture top right)
- Room temperature up to 1550°C with various heating rates and holding times possible (also 1600°C for a short time)
Chamber furnace 1500, Nabertherm (bottom left)
- Room temperature up to 1450°C with various heating rates and holding times possible (also 1500°C for a short time)
Tube furnace TZF 12/65/550, Carbolite (bottom right)
- Room temperature up to 1150°C with various heating rates and holding times possible (also 1200°C for a short time)

High Energy Ball Mill Emax, Retsch GmbH
Usages: chemical homogenizing, nano grinding, crystallite size reduction (down to ~20 nm). Integrated with water cooling system to prevent the sample from overheating.
- Milling frequency = 300 - 1200 rpm
- Milling time = maximum 6 h/day
- Milling condition = dry / wet (with ethanol)
- Milling jar
- Material = WC (tungsten carbide)
- Capacity = 50 mL (~20 mL should be left empty)
- Milling balls
- Material = WC (tungsten carbide)
- Diameter = 2 mm

Additive Fertigung (3D-Druck)
Ultimaker 2 Extended, Ultimaker
- Filament-Drucker
- Filamentdurchmesser: 2.85 mm
- Filamente: PLA, PMMA unterschiedlich pigmentiert
- Düsendurchmesser: 0.25 mm, 0.40 mm, 0.60 mm, 0.80 mm
- Druckqualit?t: 0.015 mm
- Maximale Druckbetttemperatur: 100 °C
- Druckgeschwindigkeit: optimal 30 mm/s