Referat 54
PC-Labor Team Services PC-Procurement list Software assignment
Referat 54 (formerly ZAIT) is tasked with counseling and supporting research and teaching at the University of Bremen with regards to IT applications. Focal points in providing these services are (among others): operation of a Service Desk, organizing calls for bids for hardware and repairs in all IT related fields at the University. Furthermore the Referat 54 trains several apprentices on their way to becoming qualified IT system integration specialists.

Hotline Phone: 60800
How to find us in the Central Area (ZB-C)
opposite the mensa / entrance behind the Sparkasse
Dezernat 5 / Referat 54
Uni-Boulevard 6, ZB-C - Ebene 0-1
Postal Address
Universit?t Bremen
Dezernat 5, Referat 54
NW2 / Postfach 21
Leobener Str.
28359 Bremen
Hotline Phone: 60800
servicedeskprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Department of IT, Media Infrastructure and Central Services (Dez 5)
Verica Laskaridis
SpT C5140, Badgasteiner Stra?e 5
Tel.: 60801
Email: laskaridisprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Project Assistance