Proposing a Digitalization Project for the University of Bremen
All members of the university have the opportunity to propose digitalization projects. Depending on the scale of a project, the approval of the CDO and the Director of Finance and Administration must be obtained before commencing. This is necessary to ensure that we know what others are doing, take project dependences and requirements into account, and set priorities. But the main reason is to safeguard and facilitate the implementation. The following steps are therefore necessary:
Define and Submit
Members of the university must complete a template with a project definition for their planned project. The template can be downloaded in Downloads. A project definition can be submitted to the CDO at any time at cdoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
The first version of the project definition should be completed as far and as precisely as possible for the initial coordination with the CDO Team. Any unclarified questions can be explicitly addressed, and any incomplete sections can be successively completed in an iterative process together with the CDO Team and other stakeholders where necessary. After the CDO has made an initial assessment, the project proposers then successively formulate their project in more detail. As a guide, the following should be included: goals and duration of the activities, responsibilities, relevance within the university, resources, and the evaluation of the result. At the same time, the CDO will consult as necessary with the members of the University Executive Board, the heads of department, faculties, or other outside experts, for example.
The Director of Finance and Administration and the CDO will together decide which digitalization projects are to commence and allocate resources, where necessary. The CDO will submit larger-scale projects to the University Executive Board for a decision. This also applies to activities undertaken by the Director of Finance and Administration and the CDO individually or together.
The individual digital transformation projects each have their own work schedules and their own project management. The CDO oversees, supports, and monitors the implementation by means of the key milestones.
Regular reports on the ongoing activities and the digital transformation goals which have been achieved are given in the intranet of the University of Bremen, in the Users Advisory Board, and in the Academic Senate.