Digital Student Life Cycle (DSLC)
A sustainable digital Campus Management System for the University of Bremen
The design and implementation of a powerful and sustainable digital Campus Management System which digitally maps the "Student Life Cycle" and thus satisfies the requirements of the complex administrative structure of universities and their international collaborations, is a challenging digitalization project that goes hand-in-hand with organizational development processes.
DSLC General Coordination
CDO Team
Tel.: +49 421 218-60042
Email: cdoprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
A Modular Campus Management System

The University of Bremen uses a modular digital Campus Management System, i.e. individual systems linked together via interfaces:
- The CampusNet?NT software is used for APPLICATION and ADMISSION PROCEDURES and STUDENT ADMINISTRATION. Students log on to the MOIN Portal and can then manage their data, applications, and documents themselves online.
- The COURSE MANAGEMENT uses the Stud.IP learning platform which provides services that students and teachers can use for their courses.
- The University of Bremen utilizes the FlexNow 2 software as its EXAM MANAGEMENT system. Students use the PABO Portal to register for and withdraw from exams, and obtain a current transcript of records.
Extending and Interlinking the Digital Student Life Cycle
The specialist units involved are currently pushing ahead with enhancing and expanding the functionality of the individual systems and also upgrading the interfaces; the work is coordinated by the CDO Team. Efforts are currently focusing on the following DSLC Sub-projects:
The aim of Sub-project 1 is to improve the interface between CampusNet?NT (student administration) and FlexNow 2 (exam management) to make administrative processes more efficient.
Project duration: 2021-2022
Person to contact:
Christina Vocke (Administrative Department 6)
Tel.: +49 421 218-61000
Email: christina.vockeprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Sub-project 2 relates to the introduction of an electronic module guide (eMHD) at the University of Bremen. This requires FlexNow 2 (exam management) and Stud.IP (course management) to intermesh and synchronize better on the technical level.
Project duration: 2021-2022
Person to contact:
Stefanie Grote (Administrative Unit 13)
Tel.: +49 421 218-60350
Email: stefanie.groteprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
The international collaboration with our partner universities requires new digital interfaces to make the administration of the international student exchange efficient and thus also meet EU targets such as "Erasmus Without Paper" (EWP).
Project duration: commenced in 2021
Person to contact:
Barbara Hasenmüller (International Office)
Tel.: +49 421 218-60362
Email: barbara.hasenmuellerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
The university is aiming to administer and archive students’ documents in digital form in the future, to reduce the use of printed documents and shorten processing times. This will be achieved by means of an electronic student file (E-file).
Project duration: 2022-2023
Person to contact:
Susanne Osterkamp (Administrative Department 5)
Tel.: +49 421 218-60847
Email: susanne.osterkampprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
To provide better digital support to the Master Selection Committees during the assessment process for applications, the University of Bremen has set up Sub-project 5 to introduce a web-based CampusNet?NT Dashboard as the new user interface.
Project duration: 2021-2022
Person to contact:
Maike Koschorreck (Staff Unit for Strategic Initiatives SPE)
Tel.: +49 421 218-60018
Email: maike.koschorreckprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Information for Users
Master’s Selection Committees
As of summer semester 2020, all master’s applications have been processed via CampusNet?NT.
- The most important framework conditions and agreements governing the cooperation between the Student Office (SfS) and the Master’s Selection Committee are described in the Master-Betriebskonzept, .
- Commission members can also find instructions on how to use the web portal in the Webportal-Dokumentation.
Both documents can be downloaded in the Intranet. Please use your ZfN username and password to log in.