Child Studies

We are interested in the neuroscientific and cognitive foundations of human development. In particular, we investigate how attention, the recognition and processing of emotions, and interaction in social situations develop from infancy to adulthood.

We are concerned with questions such as: How do babies and toddlers direct their attention to objects? How do we recognise emotions and what processes take place in our brain? What do we pay attention to in social interactions and how well can we predict the actions of other people?

To find out, the team of researchers in developmental psychology with educational psychology at the University of Bremen is developing studies in which we explore these questions in a playful way. Whether at our university, in day-care centres, at home in front of the computer or out and about in museums, you can help us explore the wonderful world of human beings.

In our children's studies, we use playful situations, observations, EEG measurements, eye-tracking and also virtual reality glasses to look at how children develop from infancy onwards and what neural processes take place during development.

Sign up for our studies here and we will contact you when a study is suitable. Each study is short, playful and fun. With our children's studies, your child will receive a small gift for each participation.


CC0-Lizenz, Jelleke Vanooteghem Auf diesem Bild sieht man aus der Vogelperspektive, wie ein Baby mit einem bunten Xylophon spielt.

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