- Panitz, C. and Dell'Acqua, C. (2025). Mapping 60?Years of Psychophysiology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Journal Performance, Authorship Trends, and Thematic Evolution. Psychophysiology, 62, e70002.
- Kulke, L. Coregistration of EEG and eye-tracking in infants and developing populations. Atten Percept Psychophys (2024).
Gerpheide, K., Unterschemmann, S., Panitz, C., Bierwirth, P., Gross, J. J., & Mueller, E. M. (2024). Unpredictable threat increases early event-related potential amplitudes and cardiac acceleration: A brain-heart coupling study. Psychophysiology, 00, e14563.
Kulke, L., & Pasqualette, L. (2024). Learning from 360-degree videos on a VR headset compared to 2D videos on a monitor. Cogent Education, 11(1), 2355386.
Gaudeul, A., Gangl, K., Kirchkamp, O., & Kulke, L. (2024). The Impact of Ethical Feedback on Emotions and Moral Decisions: A Labor Market Experiment. Available at SSRN 4935708.
Grassi, F., Kulke, L., Lepauvre, A., & Schacht, A. (2024). Relevance acquisition through motivational incentives: Modeling the time-course of associative learning and the role of visual features. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-20.
Kulke, L., Ertugrul, S., Reyentanz, E., & Thomas, V. (2024). Uncomfortable staring? Gaze to other people in social situations is inhibited in both infants and adults. Developmental Science, 27(3), e13468.
R?seler, L., Kaiser, L., Doetsch, C., Klett, N., Seida, C., Schütz, A., Kulke, L., ... & Zhang, Y. (2024). The replication database: Documenting the replicability of psychological science.
Steffan, A., Zimmer, L., Arias‐Trejo, N., Bohn, M., Dal Ben, R., Flores‐Coronado, M. A., Kulke, L., ... & Schuwerk, T. (2024). Validation of an open source, remote web‐based eye‐tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy, 29(1), 31-55.
Kulke, L., & Pasqualette, L. (2024). Learning from 360-degree videos on a VR headset compared to 2D videos on a monitor. Cogent Education, 11(1).
Pasqualette, L., & Kulke, L. (2024). Emotional expressions, but not social context, modulate attention during a discrimination task. Cognition and Emotion, 1–19.
Pasqualette, L., & Kulke, L. (2024). Differences between overt, covert and natural attention shifts to emotional faces. Neuroscience, 559, 283-292.
Panitz C., Ward R. T., Pouliot J., & Keil A. (2024). EEG and ERP. In: J. E. Edlund & A. L. Nichols (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Volume 2: Performing Research. Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology. Cambridge University Press (p. 519-544).
- Pasqualette, L., Klinger, S. & Kulke, L. (accepted 2023). Development and Validation of a Natural Dynamic Facial Expression Stimulus Set. PLOS ONE.
- Kohrs, F. E., Auer, S., Bannach-Brown, A., Fiedler, S., Haven, T. L., Heise, V., Kulke, L. … Weissgerber, T. L. (2023). Eleven Strategies for Making Reproducible Research and Open Science Training the Norm at Research Institutions.
- Steffan, A., Zimmer, L., Arias-Trejo, N., Bohn, M., Dal Ben, R., Flores-Coronado, M. A., Kulke, L., … Schuwerk, T. (2023). Validation of an Open Source, Remote Web-based Eye-tracking Method (WebGazer) for Research in Early Childhood.
- Nebe, S., Reutter, M., Baker, D. H., B?lte, J., Domes, G., Gamer, M., Kulke, L., … Feld, G. (2023). Enhancing Precision in Human Neuroscience.
- Schuwerk, T., Kampis, D., Baillargeon, R., Biro, S., Bohn, M., Byers-Heinlein, K., …, Kulke, L., …, Rakoczy, H. (In principle accepted 2022). Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults. Child Development.
Panitz, C., Gundlach, C., Boylan, M. R., Keil, A., & Müller, M. M., (2023). Higher amplitudes in steady-state visual evoked potentials in square-wave versus sine-wave contrast modulation – a dual-laboratory study. Psychophysiology, e14287.
Alanis García, J. C., Dort, M., Strelow, A., Pinquart, M., Christiansen, H., & Panitz, C. (2023). Expectation violations, expectation change, and expectation persistence: The scientific landscape as revealed by bibliometric network analyses. Collabra Psychology, 9, 73830.
Pasqualette, L., Klinger, S., & Kulke, L. (2023). Development and validation of a natural dynamic facial expression stimulus set. Plos one, 18(6), e0287049.
Roetner, J.; van Doren, J.; Maschke, J.; Kulke, L.; Pontones, C.; Fasching, P.; Beckmann, M.; Lenz, B.; Kornhuber, J.; Eichler, A. (accepted). Effects of prenatal alcohol exposition on cognitive outcomes in childhood and youth: A longitudinal analysis based on meconium ethyl glucuronide. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
K?nig, L., Aulbach, M., Blume, C., Kulke, L., Sperlich, L., Venz, L. (2023). Neues vom In-Mind Blog: Was sich für Autor:innen ?ndert. The Inquisitive Mind.
Nebe, S., Reutter, M., Baker, D. H., B?lte, J., Domes, G., Gamer, M., Kulke, L., … Feld, G. (2023). Enhancing Precision in Human Neuroscience. eLife.
Pasqualette, L., & Kulke, L. (2023). Effects of emotional content on social inhibition of gaze in live social and non-social situations. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-023-41154-w.
Pasqualette, L., & Kulke, L. (2023). Do other people's displays of emotion affect our gaze to them? An empirical study. Social Sciences.
Kulke, L., Ertugrul, S., Reyentanz, E., & Thomas, V. (2023). Uncomfortable staring? Gaze to other people in social situations is inhibited in both infants and adults. Developmental Science, e13468.
Chuang*, C., Panitz*, C.,& Mueller, E. M. (2023). Interindividual Differences in Anhedonia Moderate Antidepressant Placebo Responses on Heart Rate in Healthy Individuals. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 15, 100705.
- Kulke, L., Bruemmer, L., Pooresmaeili, A., & Schacht, A. (2022). Visual competition attenuates emotion effects during overt attention shifts. Psychophysiology.
- Kulke, L., Langer, T., & Valuch, C. (2022). The Emotional Lockdown: How Social Distancing and Mask Wearing Influence Mood and Emotion Recognition in Adolescents and Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Gerdemann, S. C., Tippmann, J., Dietrich, B., Engelmann, J. M., & Hepach, R. (2022). Young children show negative emotions after failing to help others. Plos one, 17(4), e0266539. Online Volltext:
- Kulke, L., & Borges Bastos Pasqualette, L. (2021). Emotional content influences eye-movements under natural but not under instructed conditions. Cognition & Emotion.
- Kulke, L., Brümmer, L., Pooresmaeili, A., & Schacht, A. (2021). Overt and covert attention shifts to emotional faces: Combining EEG, eye tracking, and a go/no-go paradigm. Psychophysiology, e13838.
- Kulke, L., & Hinrichs, M. (2021). Implicit Theory of Mind under realistic social circumstances measured with mobile eye-tracking. Scientific Reports, 11, 1215.
- Kulke, L., Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2020). Relation Between Event-Related Potential Latency and Saccade Latency in Overt Shifts of Attention. Perception.
- Kulke, L., Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2020). Relation Between Event-Related Potential Latency and Saccade Latency in Overt Shifts of Attention. Perception, 49(4), 468-483.
- Kulke, L., Feyerabend, D., & Schacht, A. (2020). A Comparison of the Affectiva iMotions Facial Expression Analysis Software With EMG for Identifying Facial Expressions of Emotion. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
- Kulke, L., & Kulke, V. (2020). Combining EEG with eye tracking: Effects of filter settings on ERP amplitude for trials containing task relevant saccades.
- Kulke, L., & Rakoczy, H. (2020). Are we less social in noisy environments? No effect of noise on implicit Theory of Mind performance.
- Valuch, C., & Kulke, L. (2020). Predictive context biases binocular rivalry in children and adults with no positive relation to two measures of social cognition. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
- Kulke, L. (2019). Neural Mechanisms of Overt Attention Shifts to Emotional Faces. Neuroscience, 418, 59-68.
- Kulke, L., Bayer, M., Grimm, A., & Schacht, A. (2019). Differential effects of learned associations with words and pseudowords on event-related brain potentials. Neuropsychologia, 124, 182-191.
- Kulke, L., Johannsen, J., & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Why can some implicit Theory of Mind tasks be replicated and others cannot? A test of mentalizing versus submentalizing accounts. PLoS ONE, 14(3).
- Kulke, L., & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Testing the Role of Verbal Narration in Implicit Theory of Mind Tasks. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20(1), 1-14.
- Kulke, L., Wuebker, M., & Rakoczy, H. (2019). Is implicit Theory of Mind real but hard to detect? Testing adults with different stimulus materials. Royal Society Open Science, 6(7).
- Hammerschmidt, W., Kagan, I., Kulke, L., & Schacht, A. (2018). Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related brain potentials and pupil dilations. NeuroImage, 179, 557-569.
- Hammerschmidt, W., Kulke, L., Broering, C., & Schacht, A. (2018). Money or smiles: Independent ERP effects of associated monetary reward and happy faces. PLoS ONE, 13(10).
- Kulke, L., Poulin-Dubois, D., Rakoczy, H., Burnside, K., Crivello, C., Doerenberg, S.,... Ruffman, T. (2018). Do infants understand false beliefs? We don't know yet - A commentary on Baillargeon, Buttelmann and Southgate's commentary. Cognitive Development, 48, 302-315.
- Kulke, L., & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Implicit Theory of Mind – An overview of current replications and non-replications. Data in Brief, 16, 101-104.
- Kulke, L., Reiss, M., Krist, H., & Rakoczy, H. (2018). How robust are anticipatory looking measures of Theory of Mind? Replication attempts across the life span. Cognitive Development, 46, 97-111.
- Kulke, L., Von Duhn, B., Schneider, D., & Rakoczy, H. (2018). Is Implicit Theory of Mind a Real and Robust Phenomenon? Results From a Systematic Replication Study.Psychological Science, 29(6), 888-900.
- Kulke, L. (2017). Dealing with unforeseen crises. In C. McMaster & C. Murphy (Eds.), Postgraduate Study in the UK – Surviving and Succeeding..
- Kulke, L. (2017). The effect of stimulus size and eccentricity on attention shift latencies. Vision, 1(4), 25.
- Kulke, L., Jan?en, L., Demel, R., & Schacht, A. (2017). Validating the Goettingen Faces Database.
- Kulke, L., Reiss, M., Krist, H., & Rakoczy, H. (2017). Implicit Theory of Mind across the life span – Anticipatory looking data. Data in Brief, 15, 712-719.
- Kulke, L., Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2016). Neural differences between covert and overt attention studied using EEG with simultaneous remote eye tracking. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.
- Kulke, L., Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2016). Neural mechanisms of attention become more specialised during infancy: Insights from combined eye tracking and EEG. Developmental Psychobiology, 59(2), 250-260.
- Kulke, L., Atkinson, J., & Braddick, O. (2015). Automatic detection of attention shifts in infancy: Eye tracking in the fixation shift paradigm. PLoS ONE, 10(12).
- Kulke, L., Wattam-Bell, J., & Chiu, M. (2012). Developmental reorganisation of visual motion pathways. i-Perception, 3(4), 230.
- Kulke, L. (2011). Der Mythos ?Che“. In Auf Tour – Kuba. (pp. 31-36).
- Kulke, L. (2011). Medico de la Familia – vorbildliche Grundversorgung als Beispiel für die ganze Welt! In Auf Tour – Kuba. (pp. 125-130). Heidelberg: Spektrum Verlag.
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