Sahura Ertu?rul
Contact: Hochschulring 18, 28359 Bremen, room 0430, Cognium
Mail: sahuraprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 (0) 421- 218 68763
Office hours for students: Appointments via Mail: sahuraprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
I graduated in Foreign Language Education from the Middle East technical University (METU). After spending two years in foreign language teaching, I entered the Master Programme of Cognitive Science Department at METU to be able to discover language process mechanisms. I wrote my thesis about the effect of emotional valence and frequency of words on pupillary responses under the supervision of Dr. Didem G?k?ay. During my Master’s degree, I got interested in Affective Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. Thus, Professor Kulke’s research projects about emotional and social mechanisms with combined EEG and eye-tracker got me very excited to be part of her research team. Currently, I am a visiting researcher in her lab to conduct the DAAD-funded project “Disengaging overt attention from emotional pictures: an EEG/Eye-tracking the co-registration study”.