U03 - Thermal and thermomechanical treatment

U03 - Thermal and thermomechanical treatment

The scientific approach of the project U03 is to enlarge the range of material properties for steel and aluminum alloys by technical and, beyond this, novel heat treatment processes and process combinations at multiple scales.

Hence, it is necessary to attain a deeper understanding of the metallurgical mechanisms considering the interaction of heat treatment and alloying.

The properties of metallic materials are essentially determined by the phases and their specific morphology being present in the microstructure. Moreover, the crystallographic defects of the respective phases play a decisive role for many metallurgical mechanisms. Both are significantly influenced by the heat treatment processes and the forming transformations, such as dissolution and separation of phases or the change in crystal structure.

In order to gain this understanding fast dilatometric and calorimetric characterization methods have to be developed to act as conclusive descriptors for the materials properties.

The development of those procedures is central aim of the sub-project focusing on a rapid and efficient characterizing of equilibrium states using micro-sample. Besides, the measurement of the electrical resistance on micro-scale considering constraints like sample shape and low measuring distance is a major challenge.

The derived functional correlations will be made available to the method of "Farbige Zust?nde".


T. Czotscher, A. von Hehl, T. Radel, A. Toenjes: Correlation between shock wave-induced indentations and tensile strength, Procedia Manufacturing 47 (2020), 756-760

N. Wielki, M. Steinbacher, D. Meyer: Multiscale Material Characterization Based on Single Particle Impact Utilizing Particle-Oriented Peening and Single-Impact Peening, Materials 2020, 13,  https://www.doi.org/10.3390/ma13040904 .

M. Steinbacher, G. Alexe, M. Baune, I. Bobrov, I. B?sing, B. Clausen, T. Czotscher, J. Epp, A. Fischer, L. Langst?dtler, D. Meyer, S. R. Menon, O. Riemer, H. Sonnenberg, A. Thomann, A. T?njes, F. Vollertsen, N. Wielki, N. Ellendt: Descriptors for high throughput in structural materials development, High Throughput 2019.

A. Bader, A. Toenjes, N. Wielki, A. M?ndle, A.-K. Onken, A. v. Hehl, D. Meyer, W. Brannath, K. Tracht: Parameter Optimization in High-Throughput Testing for Structural Materials, Materials 2019, 12,  https://www.doi.org/10.3390/ma12203439 .

A. Toenjes, N. Wielki, D. Meyer, A. von Hehl: Analysis of Different 100Cr6 Material States Using Particle-Oriented Peening, Metals 2019, 9,  https://www.doi.org/10.3390/met9101056 .

A. Toenjes, H. Sonnenberg, C. Plump, R. Drechsler, A. von Hehl: Measurement and Evaluation of Calorimetric Descriptors for the Suitability for Evolutionary High-Throughput Material Development, Metals 2019, 9, 149 10.3390/met9020149.

M. S. Lena Cramer, Marian Skalecki, Peter Saddei, Deutschland DE 10 2018 104 309.0, 2018.

L. Cramer, A. Toenjes, M. Steinbacher, A. von Hehl, H. W. Zoch: Dilatometric and Calorimetric Short‐Term Characterization Methods on 100Cr6 Micro Samples for High‐Throughput Investigations, Advanced Engineering Materials 2018, 1800100.

L. Cramer, P. Saddei, H. Surm, M. Steinbacher, H.-W. Zoch: Investigation of metallic adapter sleeves for high throughput dilatometry on spherical micro samples: Untersuchung von metallischen Adapterhülsen für Hochdurchsatz‐Dilatometrie an sph?rischen Mikroproben, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 2018, 49, 101-112.