School Project (Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden)

Reading, writing, calculating - and research?

SFB 1232 worked for 4 years (2016 - 2020) in cooperation with the Wilhelm-Focke-Oberschule (WFO) in Bremen Horn. Starting in August 2017, we accompanied one class weekly with two school hours of project lessons. The learning units developed in the process will be continued in other classes at the WFO beyond the duration of the cooperation. We would like to thank the teachers and the school administration of the Wilhelm-Focke-Oberschule for the dedicated and intensive cooperation!


Follow us on our Blog and learn how this project makes progress.

A Project Presentation of "Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden" you find here. (in German)

The teaching modules from the 5th year

were still published in 2022 and can be found at this link (in German):

We have described the results of the evaluation of our learning modules in this article (in German).





Get a taste of technology

Do you think technical topics are weird? Not with us. We want you to discover how much fun technology can be! In summer 2018, we offered the working group "MINTFarbige Zust?nde - so bunt sind Technik und Naturwissenschaften!" for girls in grades 5 - 7.  For this pilot project the SFB has been able to persuade various experts with STEM-topics to make a joint offer, so that the girls can try out the various aspects and possibilities in the STEM disciplines

The half-year programme 2018/2019:

    "The exciting world of architecture - constructing and designing buildings", Baukasten (architecture) Luise Lübke
    "On the Move with the High-Speed Camera", SFB 1232, (materials science) Saeedeh Imani
     "Clever pillows - How pillows become intelligent", SMILE project (computer science), Nadine Dittert, Eva-Sophie Katterfeldt
    "Tricking the cold - How animals and plants survive the winter", (biology), Master thesis with Prof. Doris Elster
    "Waste metal - make something out of it", SFB 1232 (materials research) Michael Baune, Ingmar B?sing

Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden - what exactly does it mean?

Setting up a special class

In August 2017 the class started at our cooperation school, the Wilhelm-Focke-Oberschule in Bremen. It is equally occupied by girls and boys. The aim is to challenge and encourage the pupils in the natural sciences and technology, and to some extent also in the social sciences and media sciences.

Project lessons

In project lessons, we deal with topics and content that build on the subject lessons and lead the children further into the worlds of materials science, mathematics and computer science. The teachers of the subjects German, Math, Natural Sciences, Business Work Technology (WAT in German - Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Technik) and Society and Politics (GuP in German - Gesellschaft und Politik) prepare the lessons together with the experts of the Collaborative Research Centre.

Uni Bremen / Harald Rehling

What does that mean in practice

In concrete terms, this means 2 hours per week of project teaching, in which the researchers from the SFB work together with teachers from the Wilhelm-Focke-Oberschule to design the lessons - at school, at the university and in the research institutes.


L. M?dler, C. Sobich (Hrsg.). Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden: Lernmodule für den 5. Jahrgang. Universit?t Bremen, Forschungsdokumente, 2022.

C. Sobich, C. Gro?e, R. Drechsler, L. M?dler. Schule in Farbigen Zust?nden: Ein Projekt zur F?rderung von Technikinteresse. Resonanz, Magazin für Lehre und Studium an der Universit?t Bremen (SoSe 2020), ISSN (Print) 2510-0823, ISSN (Online) 2510-0831, S. 21-26

C. S. Gro?e, C. Sobich, S. Huhn, M. Leuschner, R. Drechsler, L. M?dler. Arduinos in der Schule
Lernen mit Mikrocontrollern. Computer+Unterricht 30 (2018), Heft 110, S. 43 - 45.