
Panel 1 - Thu, Apr 26Th, 10:00

Cosmopolitan Cinema

current academic contributions

The cosmopolitan cinema is shaped in manifold ways by border crossings: global film circulation contributes to the generation of transcultural identities and makes necessary a debate about symbolic borders and third spaces as the exile. Thus, panel 1 examines the border crossing from another perspective – as a sensation provoked by film – containing possibilities of unexpected awareness (of living).

Panel 2 - Fri, Apr 27Th, 10:00

[Translate to English:] Evelyn Echle (Berlin und Zürich)
[Translate to English:] Iris Fraueneder (Zürich)
[Translate to English:] Anders Marklund (Lund)
[Translate to English:] Aidan Power (Cork)

European Borders

current contributions from science

European borders oscillate between bulwarks and permeable transfer areas, realities routinely dealt with by film. Panel 2 allows for outlooks that exceed the cultural, geographical and chronological European borders designing a typology of the border crossing. The focus here is on different filmic reflections of manifold crises – from conflicts in the Middle East to anxieties pertaining to capitalistic dystopias.

Panel 3 - Sat, Apr 28Th, 10:00

[Translate to English:] Olaf Stieglitz (K?ln)
[Translate to English:] Sergej Gordon (Eichst?tt)
[Translate to English:] Martin Holtz (Greifswald)
[Translate to English:] Severin Müller (Mainz)

American Borders

current contributions from science

America – a country in which the proverbial “unlimited possibilities” remain utopian in many ways. Panel 3 spends time on the filmic representation and reflection of US borders emphasizing the border area to Mexico thus analyzing it from a (film) historic and modern political perspective. However, the sight of the borders of the American dream between poverty, drugs and criminality shall not be lost in this context.

Panel 4 - Sun, Apr 29Th, 10:00

[Translate to English:] Ivo Ritzer (Bayreuth)
[Translate to English:] Lennart Soberon (Gent)

Genre Borders

current contributions from science

Border crossing is a fixed component of the genre discourse and can be beneficial in many ways for adjacent research questions, too. Panel 4 traces two approaches which explore the filmic crossing of borders based on generic definitions: Black Cinema and the American Action Thriller.