What Is Cinema?

Selection, Screening, Experience

The 17th International Bremen Film Conference will take place January 19-22, 2012. The conference will be held annually under the cooperation of the University of Bremen | Department 9 and the Community Cinema Bremen | CITY 46 in association with further cooperators.

Under the headline "What Is Cinema? Selection, Screening, Experience," the conference puts focus on the cinema's contemporary self-conception. The conference will explore the subject What is Cinema? in lectures, discussions, working groups, and with an extensive film program. In cooperation with Museum Weserburg, an exhibition will show work by British filmmaker John Smith.

Referees and Talking Heads:
Francesco Casetti | Yale University || Malte Hagener | Philipps-Universit?t Marburg || Wulf Herzogenrath | curator, former director of the Kunsthalle Bremen || Alexander Horwath | Filmmuseum Vienna || Cornelia Klau? | Bundesverband Kommunale Filmarbeit, Berlin || Dominique Pa?ni | freelance film critic, restorer and curator, France || John Smith | filmartist, London || Stefanie Schulte Strathaus | Arsenal - Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V., Berlin.

A program for graduate students and doctoral candidates on the same topic proceeds the conference.