Radikale Liebesfilme


Strictly speaking there are no radical love films. A love film is a genre film i.e. it is programmed according to certain patterns of plot and scenery such as boy meets girl, first glances, scenes of doubt, and - depending on what kind of ending is aimed at - a kiss against the setting sun or the embrace of a dying person. Radical would be a different story: two people find each other likeable, but after ten years' of marriage they love each other. Such a film doesn't exist – or if it does it would be the exception.

If we had to name a root (=radical) of love, we would first of all have to mention the mother/child relationship. Biologists think of it as the core of humanity. Love is not an exclusive experience between grown-ups of same/different genders: After all you can love anybody or anything – your partner, your work, your city. Generally speaking, love is dedication. Or, more precisely – with Luhmann: Love is a notion for giving yourself of what you expect from  the other person. The 13 films in this programme approach an impossible genre. They are radical inasmuch as they take their subject seriously as a audiovisual  formulation of terms – even if they are comedies.

Winfried Pauleit and Rainer Stollman | Universit?t Bremen

Venue: CITY 46

Series runs from October 17, 2017 till January 30, 2018 * All films with introduction and discussion!

Teotrema - Geometrie der Liebe

Di. 28.11.2017, 17:30 Uhr

* mit Einführung von Rainer Stollman

Die Familie ist nach Freud die Brutst?tte der Beziehungsarbeit. Was Liebe sein soll, lernt jeder Mensch zuerst hier. Sie ist aber auch die ?Keimzelle des Staates“ (Friedrich Engels), in der Ordnung, Unterordnung, Verinnerlichung der Macht, Aufgabe des eigenen Willens gelernt werden. In einer gro?bürgerlichen Familie noch 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 als in einer proletarischen. In Pasolinis Film sprengt ein Engel der Erotik nach und nach alle Familienbande. (Karl Kraus h?tte gesagt: Er sprengt ?die ganze Familienbande“.) Die Frage ist, ob hier gnadenlos das Grausame und Asoziale der Liebe oder das Lieblose der Familie oder beides zu Ende geführt wird.

I 1968, Regie: Pier Paolo Paolini, mit Silvana Mangano, Massimo Girotti, 98 Min., OmengU.

Pier Paolo Paolini | Teotrema - Geometrie der Liebe