For more than 20 years Christine Rüffert has been curating experimental film/video under the label of ?film:art?. The 100.edition will present selected 8 out of 800 works that have been shown over those years. The filmmakers selected seem to be representative for the series. Some of their works could be called classics waiting to be (re-)discovered.
Die Filme:
| Hans Richter | Vormittagsspuk | D 1928 | 7:00
| John Smith | OM | UK 1986 | 4:00
| Peter Kubelka | Unsere Afrikareise | A 1966 | 13:00
| Matthias Müller | Alpsee | D 1994 | 15:00
| Mara Mattuschka | Nabelfabel | A 1984 | 3:00
| Peter Tscherkassky | Outer Space | A 1999 | 10:00
| Michael Brynntrup | Liebe, Eifersucht und Rache | D 1991 | 7:00
| Mary Ellen Bute & Norman MacLaren & Ted Nemeth | Spook Sport | USA 1939 | 7:54