
Christine Rüffert
23. Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film: Grenzüberschreitendes Kino. 25.04.-25.04.2018 im Kino City46. Universit?t Bremen.

The label film:art covers programmes of  "artistic" films, mainly experimental works, avant-garde films and forms of media art. The programmes are being curated and presented by Christine Rüffert.

The programme series has been running on a regular basis since 1992. It also complements current exhibitions in Art Museums and other cultural events in the city of Bremen. Screening place is the Communal Cinema Bremen / CITY 46.


Keep up-to-date and get informed about the latest film:art programme. You can subscribe here (in german).


20:00: film:art 101 at CITY 46, Bremen

Rituals may be understood as performative acts that regulate human relations. Culturally imparted they function as social lubricants. If symbolically charged — as often the case in political or religious contexts — they promise orientation and safety.  Ceremonies when deprived of the original context may degenerate to meaningless activities. On the other hand cherished personal habits may become merrily celebrated rituals.
The programme assembles a number of video works by Yael Bartana and those of other artists that display activities of ritualistic character.

the programm accompanies the exhibition Utopia Now at Museum Weserburg, Bremen.
Wed. 25.09.2024, 20:00 Uhr im CITY 46, curated and introduced by Christine Rüffert | University of Bremen

the films:

   | Yael Bartana | Trembling Time | 2001 | 6:28
   | John Smith | Twice | 2020 | 2:32 
   | Yael Bartana | Odds and Ends | 2005| 4:10 
   | Bj?rn Melhus | America Sells | 1990 | 7:00 
   | Yael Bartana | The Undertaker | 2019 | 12:45
   | Laure Prouvost | Every Sunday Grandma | 2022 | 7:17
   | Yael Bartana | You Could Be Lucky | 2004 | 7:34
   | Yael Bartana | Kings of the Hill | 2003 | 7:45
   | Anna Spanlang | KLITCLIQUE – Auto | 2019 | 4:00 



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