
Christine Rüffert
23. Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film: Grenzüberschreitendes Kino. 25.04.-25.04.2018 im Kino City46. Universit?t Bremen.

The label film:art covers programmes of  "artistic" films, mainly experimental works, avant-garde films and forms of media art. The programmes are being curated and presented by Christine Rüffert.

The programme series has been running on a regular basis since 1992. It also complements current exhibitions in Art Museums and other cultural events in the city of Bremen. Screening place is the Communal Cinema Bremen / CITY 46.


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film:art 36

Mi. 31.10.07, 18:00 Uhr im Kino 46, kuratiert und eingeführt von Christine Rueffert

   | Fireworks | Kenneth Anger | USA 1947 | 14 mins
   | Sexual Meditation: Open Field | Stan Brakhage | USA 1972 | 6 mins
   | Permanent Wave | Anita Thacher | USA 67/78 | 3 mins
   | Dirty | Stephen Dwoshkin | GB 1965-67 |12 mins
   | 4/64: Mama und Papa (Materialaktion Otto Muehl) | A 1964 | Kurt Kren | 4 mins
   | Valie Export | Mann & Frau & Animal ? 1970-73  | 10 mins
   | Plumb Line  | Carolee Schneemann | 68-72 | 15 mins
   | Polly | Rolf Wiest | BRD 1969 | 9 mins

Filmstill undefinierte H?nde und K?rperteile in Doppelbelichtung