public Seminars and Events

The School  of Cinema is a place for film mediation. On offer are paedagogical workshops and academic seminars which are accompanied by film screenings at the cinema. Partners of the cooperation are Department 9, University of Bremen / Workgroup Film and Media Aesthetics as well as the Communal Cinema / CITY 46. Shows are open to anyone interested, either on a continuous basis or for singular programmes.

School of Vision

The seminar focusses on fundamental aspects of filmaesthetics. Referencing film stills and excerpts from film history the seminar tries to uncover what film and what cinema is.


The label film:art covers programmes of  "artistic" films, mainly experimental works, avant-garde films and forms of media art. see all film:art-Events

Film Programmes

see all Film Programmes


20:00: film:art 95 at CITY 46, Bremen

Flags emphasize national sovereignty  and mark territorial claims. Flags provide national identity and proclaim loyalties. A programme of experimental film and video shows the agency of flags as expression of territorial power politics, post-colonial conditions, but also of individual forms of resistance. 

Fr. 27.01.2023, 20:00 Uhr im CITY 46, kuratiert und eingeführt von Christine Rüffert | Universit?t Bremen

The programme accompanies the exhibition ?What is the Proper Way to display a Flag?? at Museum Weserburg, Bremen

The films:

   | Leighton Pierce | Red Shovel | USA 1992 | 8:00
   | Ben Russell | Let us persevere in what we have resolved before we forget | USA, FRA, Vanuatu 2013 | 20:00
   | John Smith | Flag Mountain | UK 2010 | 8:00
   | Hito Steyerl | November | AT/D 2004 | 25:00
   | Martin Creed | Border Control | UK 2015 | 0:49

Stil einer roten Spielzeugschaufel vor unscharfem Hintergrund