public Seminars and Events

The School  of Cinema is a place for film mediation. On offer are paedagogical workshops and academic seminars which are accompanied by film screenings at the cinema. Partners of the cooperation are Department 9, University of Bremen / Workgroup Film and Media Aesthetics as well as the Communal Cinema / CITY 46. Shows are open to anyone interested, either on a continuous basis or for singular programmes.

School of Vision

The seminar focusses on fundamental aspects of filmaesthetics. Referencing film stills and excerpts from film history the seminar tries to uncover what film and what cinema is.


The label film:art covers programmes of  "artistic" films, mainly experimental works, avant-garde films and forms of media art. see all film:art-Events

Film Programmes

see all Film Programmes

Re-mapping Europe - European Media Art Festival on Tour

film:art 32

?Re-mapping Europe? ist ein Auswahlprogramm mit aktuellen internationalen Medienkunstarbeiten aus 9 L?ndern, die den Wandel reflektieren, in dem sich das alte Europa zur Zeit befindet. Globale Probleme und kulturelle Differenzen flie?en in einer medien-basierten Sprache zusammen. Junge europ?ische Künstler zitieren Filmgeschichte ebenso wie die Videokunst, um ihre eigene Situation, aber auch globale Probleme zu reflektieren und manchmal mit ironischem Blick zu kommentieren.

So. 15.4.2007, 18.00 Uhr im Kino 46, eingeführt von Christine Rüffert

Die Filme:

   | Vertigo | Regina Kelaita | NL 2005 | 1:35 mins
   | Looking for Alfred | Johan Grimonprez | B 2005 | 10:00 mins
   | Mirror Mechanics | Siegfried A. Fruhauf | A 2005 | 7:30 mins
   | Optical Sound | Mika Taanila | FIN 2005 |  6:00 mins
   | Paul and the Badger - Episode 1 | Paul Tarrago | GB 2005 | 11:30 mins
   | Still | Tim Leyendekker | NL 2005 | 5:00 mins
   | Patriotic | Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay & Pascal Lièvre | F/CDN 2005 | 4:05 mins
   | America Punish Criminals | Peter E Bengtsson | S 2005 | 4:04 mins
   | Sea Change | Joe King & Rosie Pedlow | GB 2005 | 5:28 mins
   | 10 Years in RIiver | Audrius Kasperavicius|  LT 2005 | 1:00 min
   | Wir sind dir treu | Michael Koch | D / CH 2005 | 9:05 mins
   | Apple on a Tree |Astrid Rieger, ?eljko Vidovic | D 2005-2006 | 4:50 mins

filmstill s/w Frauenkopf von hinten auf beiden Seiten gespiegelt