public Seminars and Events

The School  of Cinema is a place for film mediation. On offer are paedagogical workshops and academic seminars which are accompanied by film screenings at the cinema. Partners of the cooperation are Department 9, University of Bremen / Workgroup Film and Media Aesthetics as well as the Communal Cinema / CITY 46. Shows are open to anyone interested, either on a continuous basis or for singular programmes.

School of Vision

The seminar focusses on fundamental aspects of filmaesthetics. Referencing film stills and excerpts from film history the seminar tries to uncover what film and what cinema is.


The label film:art covers programmes of  "artistic" films, mainly experimental works, avant-garde films and forms of media art. see all film:art-Events

Film Programmes

see all Film Programmes

Reverence – The Films of Owen Land (formerly known as George Landow)

film : art 17

Owen Land (auch bekannt unter dem Namen George Landow) war einer der originellsten amerikanischen Filmemacher der 60er und 70er Jahre. Seine Arbeiten entzündeten ein respektloses Feuerwerk des intellektuellen Witzes, das sie von den Avantgardefilmen seiner Zeitgenossen abhob. Mit trockenem Humor, der sich auch in seinen skurrilen Filmtiteln zeigte. untersuchte er die Fassaden filmischer Realit?t und spielte mit den Erwartungen der Zuschauer. Als eine der führenden Pers?nlichkeiten des strukturellen Films wurden seine Werke neben denen von Paul Sharits und Michael Snow in internationalen Museen gezeigt. Die Werkschau mit 15 Filmen ist ein Projekt des Lux Centre London in Kooperation mit dem ?sterreichischen Filmmuseum Wien, das die Kopien restauriert hat.

Die Filme:

Programme One

| Film in Which There Appear Sprocket Holes, Edge Lettering, Dirt Particles, Etc. | 1965-1966 | 4 min
| Remedial Reading Comprehension | 1970 | 5 min
| Fleming Faloon | 1963, | 7 min
| Bardo Follies | 1967-76 | 25 min
| New Improved Institutional Quality: In the Environment of Liquids and Nasals a Parasitic Vowel Sometimes Develops | 1976 | 10 min
| No Sir, Orison | 1975 | 3 min
| On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed ? | 1977-79 | 18 min
Total running time approximately 68 minutes

Programme Two

| Institutional Quality | 1969 | 5 min
| The Film that Rises to the Surface of Clarified Butter |1968 | 9 min
| What's Wrong With This Picture 1 & 2 | 1971-72 | 11 min
| Diploteratology or Bardo Follies | 1967-78 | 7 min
| Wide Angle Saxon | 1975 | 22 min
| Thank You Jesus for the Eternal Present – 1 | 1973 | 6 min
| A Film of Their 1973 Spring Tour Commissioned by Christian World Liberation Front of Berkeley, California | 1974 | 12 min
Total running time approximately 72 minutes

9 farbige filmstills mit Gesichtern