Professorship in Federal and Regional Financial Relations
Head and Topics
Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann

Financial relations between the Federation and Laender

Reform projects in federal states

Effects of centralized and decentralized fiscal policy

Financial equalization in 2018: Relative decline of the equalizing volume
In "Regionalentwicklung und Finanzpolitik aktuell 19 (1), Professor Heinemann describes current developments of the equalizing volume of the financial equalisation among the L?nder. He points out that the justification of the city states Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg is closely linked to their fiscal performance.

Current Chamber of Labour project "Platform economy in Bremen"
In the course of digitalization, platform economies significantly gained in importance. With the help of internet platforms, interactions between market actors are enabled through offering consumer goods in an quick and straightforward way for joint utilization. However, modern platforms present new challenges for employers and employees. This project is being conducted by Antje Bollen, Manuel Cordsen, Fabian Fortmann, Prof. Dr. André W. Heinemann (project lead) und Dr. Guido Nischwitz.

Reform of the property tax: background and a solution approach:
In "Regionalentwicklung und Finanzpolitik aktuell 18 (1), Professor Heinemann analyzes the recent developments of a property tax modernization. He suggests a refederalization and recommends a land value tax for economic and ecologic reasons. The land value tax encourages space-saving construction and constitutes a instrument against land speculation. However, a "property tax C" of the current coaltion agreement would be an inadequate alternative.

Visiting professorship in Kiev
Since March 2018, Professor Dr. André W. Heineman is a "Visiting Professor" at the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU) in Kiev (Ukraine). This involves lectures and stays on a regular basis in Kiev.