MP 4
Student learning formats
In MP 4 “Student learning formats”, the emphasis will be on student learning and support formats which can be flexibly adapted to meet individual requirements and needs. The teaching of writing competencies is of great importance, since these are essential both for “researching” students as well as for the needs of the students. A further core element of this package of measures comprises activating student learning formats. They contribute to network building and help to remove habitual barriers in the academic context. In MP 4, therefore, the existing offers of student coaching are developed under aspects of heterogeneity. The Study Workshop will include these diversity-compatible formats in its program and they are to be continued beyond the project duration. On the part of the Faculties, the impulses generated by writing didactics and the experiences made with student coaching will flow into the further development of the curricula and become anchored there.
The Schreibwerkstatt MINT can be found [here].
MP 4 coordination
J?rg Riedel
Dezernat Studentische Angelegenheiten
Geb?ude/Raum: ZB-C/C1203
Telefon: +49-421-218-61013