MP 2
Research-based learning as study-program profile
The highly successful support format of the ForstA-pillar 2 for the reform of the study entrance phase contributes significantly to the teaching profile of the University of Bremen via the broad anchoring of concepts of “research-based learning”. In ForstAintegriert, this successful format is to be expanded as a central building block. The focus will be on further developing the overall curriculum. At the same time, the curricular anchoring serves to ensure the sustainability of the measures. The ForstA projects already had a focus on testing e-learning elements. This is continued in ForstAintegriert. In addition, the projects in MP 2 on “Research-based learning as study-program profile” are to benefit from the support offered by the area of university didactics. In MP 2 “Research-based learning as study-program profile”, the projects represent examples which can be transferred to other study programs. Important relays are the discussions in committees and the project structures, the personal exchange among teachers and students as well as publications and conferences.
MP 2 coordination
Judith Jasper
Referat Lehre und Studium
Geb?ude/Raum: VWG 0330
Telefon: +49-421-218-60351