Dr. Maria Lujan Garcia
Research Domain: Geomorphologie und Polarforschung
Position: Scholarship Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung
Building/room: FVG M2060
Phone: 0421-218-67154
E-Mail: garciaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

- Freshwater diatom taxonomy and ecology
- Lacustrine sediments
- Paleolimnology
- Quaternary
Profiles with international research portals
Research projects:
- Untangling the diatom record at the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition: a paleolimnological study of the varved sediment record of Holzmaar, Germany. Georg Forster-Fellowship for Postdocs Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
- Paleolimnological studies in the bonaerense Pampa and Patagonia during the Holocene: relating climate aspects. 2016-2019. UBACYT 20020150100026BA. PI: Dr. Cecilia Laprida.
- BMBF–MinCyT project OXICLIM – PI: Drs. Christoph Mayr, Julieta Massaferro & Ana Srur
- Qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of environmental changes that occurred during the Quaternary, from bioproxies analysis (diatoms and ostracods) in South lake sediments of Santa Cruz, Argentina. (2nd stage). 2014-2017 UBACYT 20020130100413BA. PI: Dr. Nora I. Maidana.
- Environmental change and antrophic impact on high mountain lakes in Nahuel Huapi National Park. FONCYT - PICT-2012- 2931 PI: Dr. Julieta I. Massaferro.
- Qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of environmental changes that occurred during the Quaternary, from bioproxies analysis (diatoms and ostracods) in South lake sediments of Santa Cruz, Argentina. 2011-2014 UBACYT 20020100100999. PI: Dra Nora I. Maidana.
- Paleoenvironmental studies in lacustrine sediments: ENSO phenomenon and the climatic changes occurred during the last millennium in North Patagonia 2009 – 2011. Proyecto PIP N°: 11220080102345CO. PI: Dr. Julieta I. Massaferro.
- García, M.L., Birlo, S., Zolitschka, B., 2022. Paleoenvironmental changes of the last 16,000 years based on diatom and geochemical stratigraphies from the varved sediment of Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews, 293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107691
- Morales, E. A., Novais, M. H., Garcia, M. L., Maidana, N. I., & Morais, M. M. (2021). Planothidum audax sp. nov.(Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae), a new diatom from temporary streams in southern Portugal. Phytotaxa, 510(3), 288-294.
- Morales, E.A., Novais, M.H., García, M.L., Maidana, N.I. & Morais, M.M. 2021. A new species of Punctastriata (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariophyceae) from temporary streams in (southern Portugal. Phytotaxa 507(3):361-365.
- García, M.L., Bustos, S., Villacís, L.A., Laprida, C., Mayr, C., Moreno, P.I., Maidana, N.I. & Morales, E.A. 2021. New araphid species of the genus Pseudostaurosira (Bacillariophyceae) from southern Patagonia, European Journal of Phycology, DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2020.1813810
- García, M.L., Morales, E.A., Mann, D.G. & Maidana, N.I. 2020. Sellaphora mayrii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom from the Argentinean Patagonia. Phytotaxa 437 (3): 135-146. doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.437.3.2
- García, M.L., Morales, E.A., Guerrero, J.M., Tremarin, P.I. & Maidana, N.I. 2019. New Aulacoseira species (Bacillariophyta) from the Argentinean Patagonia and re-examination of type material of Melosira perpusilla Frenguelli. Phytotaxa 408 (3): 161-177. doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.408.3.2
- Mayr, C., Smith, R.E, García, M.L., Massaferro, J., Lücke, A., Dubois, N., Maidana, N.I., Meier, W. J-H., Wissel, J. & Zolitschka, B. 2019. Historical eruptions of Lautaro Volcano and their impacts on lacustrine ecosystems in southern Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 62 (2):205-221. doi.org/10.1007/s10933-019-00088-y
- Guerrero, J.M., García, M.L. & Morales, E.A. 2019. Staurosirella andino-patagonica sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from lake sediments in Patagonia, Argentina. Phytotaxa 402 (3): 131-144. doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.402.3.1
- García, M.L., Echazú, D.M. Romero O. E. & Maidana, N. I. 2018. Cocconeis neuquina Frenguelli (Bacillariophyta): emended description, lectotypification, ecology and geographical distribution. Diatom Research 33(2): 219-228. doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2018.1485596
- García, M.L., Maidana, N.I., Ector, L. & Morales, E.A. 2018. Staurosira magallanesica, a replacement name for Staurosira patagonica M.L.Garcia, Maidana, Ector & E.Morales, nom. illeg. (non Staurosira patagonica Cleve) (Bacillariophta, Staurosiraceae). Notulae algarum No. 51.
- García, M.L., Maidana, N.I., Ector, L. & Morales, E.A. 2017. Staurosira patagonica sp. nov. a new diatom (Bacillariophyta) from southern Argentina, with a discussion on the genus Staurosira Ehrenberg. Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, 146: 103-123. DOI 10.1127/1438-9134/2017/123
- Serra, M.N, García, M.L., Maidana, N.I, Villarosa,G., Lami, A. & Massaferro, J. 2016. Little Ice Age to present paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on multyproxy analyses from Nahuel Huapi Lake (Patagonia, Argentina). Ameghiniana. 53 (1): 58-73. dx.doi.org/10.5710/AMGH.14.09.2015.2912
- García, M.L. & Maidana, N.I. 2015. Diatomeas subfosiles del Lago Nahuel Huapi (Brazo Blest), Argentina. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., vol.50 (2), p.123-140. ISSN 1851-2372.
- European Geoscience Union (Munich, Germany)
- International Society for Diatom Research (Cardiff, UK)
- Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Asociación Argentina de Ficología (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Scientific Qualifications
- 2014-2019 Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (?rea Ciencias Biológicas) - Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN). Qualification: Outstanding.
- 2006-2014 Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas - Universidad de Buenos Aires – Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN). Qualification: 10/10.
Fellowships and Awards
- 2021-2023 Georg Forster Fellowship – Alexander Von Humboldt. Advisor: Dr. Bernd Zolitschka
- 2019-2021: Postdoc Scholarship - CONICET, Argentina. Advisor: Dr. Nora I. Maidana.
- 2018 ISDR & IUBS Student Travel Award - 25th International Diatom Symposium, Berlin Germany
- 2015 Short Term Research Grants – DAAD, Germany. Advisor: Dr. Christoph Mayr.
- 2014-2019: PhD Scholarship - CONICET, Argentina. Advisor: Dr. Nora I. Maidana.