Production with impure materials
Production with impure materials
Human settlement on Mars will need to trust technical systems to function. The distance from Mars to Earth hinders supply-chains to support human settlement with spare parts in a reasonable amount of time. Hence we need to be able to produce a huge variety of spare parts on Mars. Achieving sustainability and full circularity requires the use of Martian materials (regolith), the production of renewable energy and sustainable manufacturing processes. The approach is to build the process chain from materials to manufacturing to handling and investigate the range of potential applications.
Project Leader
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Tracht
Professor for Assembly Technology
University of Bremen
Badgasteiner Str. 1, 28359 Bremen, DE
FZB-Building, Room 0080
+49 421 218 64840
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Publication highlights

A vision for Human Mars Exploration made in Bremen