
December 2023

Award ceremony of the Spanish Royal Society for Dr. Manuel Alonso Orts


September 2023

Spanish Royal Society award for Dr. Manuel Alonso Orts for an article related to introducing photonic crystals in high school


May 2022

Joint "Workshop of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK) on Epitaxy of III-V Semiconductors" and "German MBE Workshop" 2022: DGKK/DEMBE 2022


April 2021

Delivery of new surface analysis module for the cluster "Hybride Nansotructurs" from SPECS Phoibos 100 2D


April 2021

We welcome our new postdoc: Dr. Patrick Vogt


March 2021

Grant of project proposal "Fluorescence spectroscopy of tree rings: new climate proxys for dendroclimatology" funded by Central Research Development Fund (CRDF) of the University of Bremen, funding line 01 Impulse Grants for Research Proposals. Further information


February 2021

Grant of new DFG project in coooperation with Prof. Rosenauer ("Quantification of internal electric fields in semiconductor nanostructures by transmission electron microscopy"). Further information


February 2021

We welcome our new master students Rudolfo H?tzel ("MBE growth and optical analysis of group III nitride nanostructurs") and Alexander Hinz ("Drift-compensated AlGaN/GaN elektrolyte-gate FETs")


February 2021

We welcome our new postdoc: Dr. Manuel Alonso Orts


December 2020

Assembly of cluster "Hybride Nanostructures"


November 2020

Delivery of new III-V MBE system RIBER C21 for the cluster "Hybride Nanostrctures"


November 2020

We welcome our new bachelor student Michael Paul ("Optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional semiconductor materials") 


November 2020

We welcome our new master student Genrietta Steingelb ("Dynamical behaviour of enzyme-modified AlGaN/GaNFETs")


July 2020

Delivery of new plasma ALD system Oxford FLexAL for the cluster "Hybride Nanostructures"