Teaching Concept
There is hardly anything that has a greater impact on peoples’ lives and the economic strength of enterprises than the progress of innovations in terms of new products, services and business models. Consequently, business executives cannot afford to leave innovation to chance – even though chance may play an important role in some cases. Instead, the management of innovations and the technologies on which they are based has to be shaped deliberately, in private enterprises as well as in public institutions. Hence, this management discipline is the central subject of the academic chair’s curriculum. The basic knowledge is imparted in our Bachelor program and deepened during the Master program in Industrial Engineering.
In the Bachelor courses on ‘The Foundations of Project Management’, ‘Innovation Management’ and ‘Management of Intellectual Property Rights’, students are given first insights into processes, thought structures and methods pertaining to these subjects. Additionally, ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Marketing’, which also form part of the basic Bachelor program, are read at the Chair of Project Management and Innovation.
In the Master’s program, ‘Technology Management’ deals with several aspects of sourcing, generating, protecting and evaluating technologies in a company. Its primary goal is to secure a company’s technological competitiveness and at the same time to support a high-performing innovation management. Doing so, ‘Technology Management’ is a useful foundation in the specialized studies of ‘System Development and Innovation’, but only compulsory for ‘Technology Intelligence’.
In the specialized studies in ‘System Development and Innovation’ focus on six thematic areas that are explored in separate courses. ‘Advanced Project Management’, ‘Technology Intelligence’, ‘Methods of Future Research’, ‘Methodical Inventing’, ‘Patent Management’ as well as ‘Technology Roadmapping’ serve to transmit in-depth knowledge and methodology. The internalization and the practical application of acquired theoretical contents are enabled in complementary study projects.
Apart from the customary lectures, the institute’s didactical mix encompasses case studies, theme-specific workshops, excursions and talks given by guest lecturers.