Light-Matter Control of Quantum Materials

  • Light-matter interaction on a 2D material (symbolic picture)

    Light-matter interaction on a 2D material

    (Symbolic figure)

  • Effects in cavity quantum materials (symbolic picture)

    Effects in cavity quantum materials

    (Symbolic figure)

  • Cavity quantum materials (symbolic picture)

    Cavity quantum materials

    (Symbolic figure)

Join us!

If you have been always excited about Hermitian and non-Hermitian operators, you want to deepen your (and our) knowledge on quantum materials in interaction with light (or sometimes without), you are not afraid of computers, and you enjoy to work in an agile international team: make your bachelor, your master or even your PhD thesis in the LMCQM group. Contact Michael for further details.

We are a theoretical condensed matter physics research group having fun at the intersection of non-equilibrium many-body physics, quantum materials, and quantum optics. We also simulate atomistic systems with different levels of approximations, and participate in the development of an open source scientific software package which is used all over the world.

We are part of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science and are member of the CECAM-node CECAM-DE-QMDYN .

CECAM logo

Flexible and efficient semiempirical DFTB parameters for electronic structure prediction of 3D, 2D iodide perovskites and heterostructures

J. Jiang, T. van der Heide, S. Thébaud, C. R. Lien-Medrano, A. Fihey, L Pedesseau, C. Quarti, M. Zacharias, G. Volonakis, M. Kepenekian, B. Aradi, M. A. Sentef, J. Even, and C. Katan

Phys. Rev. Mater.  9, 023803 (2025)

Density Functional Tight Binding (DFTB), an approximative approach derived from…


Theories for charge-driven nematicity in kagome metals

F. Grandi, M. A. Sentef, D. M. Kennes,  and R. Thomale

Phys. Rev. B  110, 245138 (2024)

Starting from a low-energy continuum model for the band dispersion of the 2×2 charge-ordered phase of the kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs), we show that nematicity can develop in this state driven either by…


Non-adiabatic Couplings in Surface Hopping with Tight Binding Density Functional Theory: The Case of Molecular Motors

G. D. Mirón, C. R. Lien-Medrano, D. Banerjee, M. Monti, B. Aradi, M. A. Sentef, T. A. Niehaus and A. Hassanali

J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2024, 20, 23, 10602–10614

Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) has become an essential computational technique for studying the photophysical relaxation of…

Workshop logo

CECAM workshop

Michael is coordinator of the CECAM-workshop "Magnetic interactions and topological spin textures in 2D van der Waals magnets and heterostructures", taking place from 2025-06-25 till  2025-06-27.

Title figure of the CMD31-workshop

Mini-colloqium on the CMD31

Michael organizes the mini-colloqium MC34 - Nonequilibrium dynamics and control of quantum materials on the CMD31 in Braga, Portugal. Visit the website of the conference for further details and registrations.