Industrial Mathematics in Public

Industrial mathematics has an increasing impact on our daily lives. It plays a key role in public life without many people realising it. From intelligent traffic control systems that minimise congestion to precise production processes that ensure the quality of our goods, industrial mathematics is the invisible force behind these achievements.

In our digital world, industrial mathematics also permeates everyday life through personalised recommendation algorithms, intelligent energy management and innovative healthcare solutions. These mathematical innovations not only shape industry, but also have a direct impact on our quality of life.

The fascination and benefits of (industrial) mathematics are made accessible to the public through #MATHINSIDE. With our Campus Neighbourhood project, for example, we want to show where and how mathematics often has an unrecognised influence on our surroundings, and we are looking for clues in the region. In (city) tours, rallies and other formats, we want to take the public with us on our journey of discovery. In addition, new and existing demonstrators/exhibits will be (further) developed to illustrate specific applications, issues and the importance of industrial mathematics for digital innovation. For example, the DL-Demonstrator project will develop such a demonstrator to illustrate and make tangible AI and neural networks.

Another focus of #MATHINSIDE is to support our #MOIN stakeholders with knowledge in (science) communication. The #MOIN management team, and in particular our PR coordinator, support our project partners throughout the duration of the project and provide a framework for communication:

  • Presenting methods and research results in the form of texts, lectures or exhibits in a way that is appropriate for the target group.
  • facilitate low-threshold participation in exhibitions, trade fairs and own promotional events
  • communicate together as #MOIN partners via our website, social media or print media