MOIN - Model region industrial mathematics

  • Model region for Industrial mathematics

Our Vision

In the north we say #MOIN. For us, this also stands for the Model Region for Industrial Mathematics.

The Model Region for Industrial Mathematics is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2023 in order to create transfer spaces for the future of the regions.

Our goal is to bring living mathematics to schools, industry, politics and society, because

"#MOIN wants to show that (industrial) mathematics is accessible and full of opportunities for everyone, from schools to high-tech, from business to politics."(Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens, Project manager)

New Ways of Transfer in Industrial Mathematics

#MOIN aims to create a suitable framework for a holistic transfer approach. On the one hand, to develop innovative products, processes and services for regional companies based on certifiable industrial mathematical algorithms. On the other hand, a broad impact is to be achieved through innovative public relations work in order to make society aware of the potential of industrial mathematics. We focus on the four areas #MATHWARE, #MATHUP, #MATHDAYS, and #MATHINSIDE:

1. industrial mathematics as a driver of innovation in industry #MATHWARE
2. industrial mathematics on the way to entrepreneurship #MATHUP
3. industrial mathematics in schools #MATHDAYS
4. industrial mathematics in public #MATHINSIDE

Ein Icon eines Zahnrads in den MOIN-Farben rot und blau


Industrial mathematics as a driver of innovation in industry

How do companies become aware of mathematics as a solution?

Das #MATHUP-Icon, ein Geb?ude mit S?ulen in den #MOIN-Farben rot und blau


Industrial mathematics on the way to entrepreneurship

How can students be sensitised to transfer and entrepreneurship at an early stage?

Das #MATHDAYS-Icon, ein Buch mit kleinem Dach in den #MOIN-Farben blau und rot


Industrial mathematics at school

How can the benefits of maths be better communicated in schools?


Das #MATHINSIDE-Icon, drei Personen nebeneinander in den #MOIN-Farben blau und rot


Industrial mathematics in public

How can the public reputation of mathematics be improved?



Where ist the #MOIN model region and what is a "T!Raum"?




Cooperation partners

  • T!Raum Initiative
  • BMBF
  • Go to page: Uni Bremen
  • Go to page: BIS
  • Go to page: SWHT
  • Go to page: Arbeitsgruppe O2C
  • Go to page: TOPAS
  • Go to page: MEVIS
  • Go to page: Zentrum für Industriemathematik
  • Go to page: AG Mathedidaktik
  • Go to page: TRILITEC
  • Go to page: maritime Autonomie
  • Go to page: manymany
  • Go to page: SIKORA
  • Go to page: MCN
  • Go to page: aisencia
  • Go to page: Alpha Robotics