Industrial Mathematics on the Way to Entrepreneurship

The #MATHUP area is divided into two sections.

Transfer-oriented teaching:

Our aim is to create a transfer interface through practice-oriented teaching. Students can carry out innovation projects with different durations, ranging from one weekend (InnoDays) to three weeks (InnoLab) to 100-day projects (InnoProjects). This low-threshold and free entry offer enables small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to start joint innovation projects and benefit from the advantages of mathematical solutions.
The success factors lie in the intensive exchange between research and participating companies as well as in the diffusion of knowledge through public workshops and presentations. As a result, regional SMEs benefit from state-of-the-art innovation approaches that they can integrate into their companies as new products or services. At the same time, this approach to employer branding increases the visibility of SMEs as potential employers.


The aim of the entrepreneurship field is to realize the previously developed concepts as sustainable innovation drivers. Innovations with a high Mathematical Readiness Level (MRL) can be founded directly as start-ups or commercialized as innovations in companies. However, after the completion of InnoDays, InnoLabs and InnoProjects, there is often a need for further development to increase the MRL. These projects can be continued with the support of #MATHWARE in order to achieve realization in companies or as start-ups after further development steps. On the one hand, formats such as theses and students working as employees in the form of work contracts or internships are used, while on the other hand newer, more flexible formats such as a student company with expertise in the field of industrial mathematics are established.