Theses at the Chair of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management
If you are interested in a thesis in our field of work, please write an email from your Uni-Bremen account to one of us expressing your interest. We will then get in touch with you.
If you have any questions about theses, please contact Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann, Dr. Michèle Rieth or Jonathan Meinecke.
Suggested topics for your thesis can be found here.
An introduction to scientific work can be found here.
Form of your work
Bachelor Thesis:
- Scope: between 30 and 40 pages (excluding title page, bibliography and appendix)
Master Thesis:
- Size: between 50 and 60 pages (excluding title page, bibliography and appendix)
Main Part:
- Font: Arial and font size: 11 or Font: Times New Roman and font size: 12
- Line spacing: 1.5
- Format: Justification
- Tables & Figures: Headings /-signatures in font size 9, single line spacing
- Tables are provided with a heading, figures with a signature.
- For new chapters a new page is started; except for sub-chapters
- The work contains a table and a list of figures
- Design of the manuscript according to the guidelines of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) (German Society for Psychology)
- Page numbers top right
- Header contains the respective chapter heading (e.g.: Introduction, Theoretical Background, Results, ...)
- Citations and statistical data according to APA standards
- The work can also be written in English by arrangement in special cases. As a rule it is written in German language.
What do I submit?:
- The number of copies to be submitted depends on the examination regulations applicable to you.
- The work contains cover page, table of contents, abstract in English and German version, the main part of the work, Bibliography, Declaration of Independence and the Appendix.
- Title page: Contains university, department & subject area; title of thesis, name of student, matriculation number, Name of first and second supervisor, semester of submission, date (XX/ZZZZ).
- Appendix: Contains supplementary material, e.g. experimental material such as questionnaire items or supplementary tables.
- References to the appendix: In the main part of the work, reference should be made to the Appendix in the appropriate places. The first Annex A is Annex A, Annex B is Annex B, etc.
- Each copy of the work must be submitted as a data carrier, preferably a USB stick. This contains 3 file:
- Work: The work in electronic form (Word and PDF).
- Data/statistics: data record, codebook, evaluations, traceable SPSS syntax or R script, or all qualitative evaluations (especially transcripts).
- Supplementary materials (e.g. experimental material such as videos, items used, literature).