Lara Watermann, M.Sc.
Research Associate
Max-von-Laue-Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen, Germany
WIWI 2 Building, Room F 2360
phone: +49 (0)421 218-66664
watermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Current Position
from 01/2023 - 03/2024 University of Bremen, Germany
Research Associate (PhD student)
in the Diginomics Research Group
Previous Positions
02/2021-12/2022 University of Bremen, Germany
Student Assistant INTERTEAM-Project
2020-2022 University of Bremen, Germany
Master of Science in Business Psychology
2019-2020 University of Twente, Netherlands
Master of Science in Positive Psychology
2016-2019 University of Twente, Netherlands
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Graduate Group
Lara Watermann is part of the Graduate Group Digitization of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bremen.
The Graduate Group investigates current economic issues concerning the Digitization of labor, financial, and product markets. Twelve projects deal with ethical, socio-political, industrial-psychological, economic and policy-relevant issues relating to new digital markets. The content of the projects includes questions related to Work 4.0, Blockchain, Digital Finance, Artificial Intelligence and Platform Economics.
Lara Watermann is working on a project relating to Human Machine Interaction and Workforce-Analytics as part of the graduate group.
Teamwork in a Mars habitat
Lara Watermann is a member of the project team "Team performance of human-human and human-agent teams in a Mars habitat under various scenarios".
As part of the 3-part seed project on "The living Habitat" within the MAPEX cluster initiative "Researching pathways toward a long-term sustainable, ethically acceptable human settlement of Mars" and in cooperation with ZARM and Sustainable Communication Networks, the project "Team performance in extreme environments" investigates how human users integrate into the technological environment of the habitat on Mars and how their team processes and performance can be improved by adaptations of the technological environment and in cooperation with an artificial intelligence.
Peer-reviewed Journals
Hagemann, V., Watermann, L., Klonek, F. & Heinicke, C. (2023). Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission, Acta Astronautica, 210, 162-175.
Conference contributions
Watermann, L., Cadonau, L., Appelganc, K., Gro?e Maestrup, P., Band, S., F?rster, A., Heinicke, C., Hagemann, V. (2023). Mensch-KI Teams in einem Mars Habitat: Der Einfluss der Wahrnehmung einer KI als Teammitglied oder Werkzeug auf Vertrauen und Affekt. Vortrag bei der 13. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW) gemeinsam mit der Fachgruppe Ingenieurpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Kassel, Deutschland.
Watermann, L., Hagemann, V. & Heinicke, C. (2022). The mediated effect of communication on team performance in interdependently working teams during a simulated Mars Mission. Vortrag beim 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Hildesheim, Deutschland.
Hagemann, V., Watermann, L. & Heinicke, C. (2022). The interaction of Teamwork Processes, Collective Orientation and Stress during a simulated Mars Mission in the Crew and Support Teams. Vortrag beim 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs) in Hildesheim, Deutschland.
Hagemann, V., Watermann, L. & Heinicke, C. (2022). Development of Teamwork Processes, Collective Orientation and Stress during a simulated Mars Mission in the Crew and Support Teams. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the HFES Europe Chapter, 20-22 April, Turin, Italy.