DRUMS - Deep Tech & Robotics for Human-Centered Manufacturing Systems

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DRUMS - Deep Tech & Robotics for Human-Centered Manufacturing Systems

Duration: 31.12.2023 bis 30.12.2026

Project description

In the course of the digitalisation of production in the context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, sustainable, robust and human-centric production must be implemented, which places the well-being of employees at the centre of implementation. The integration of digital technologies such as deep tech solutions, robotics or artificial intelligence in the production sector can lead to an improvement in productivity and the production of more sustainable products. In this context, there is a lack of in-service teaching concepts. This results in the need to implement various digital learning scenarios. Digitalisation will permanently change the world of work and create new career prospects. In this context, it is essential to provide further training programmes for working people that prepare them for the changes in their careers.  The DRUMS project is developing concepts and content for in-service training for the manufacturing industry at European level, focussing on Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain and EIT RIS countries.

The DRUMS project aims to design and develop a training framework for the development of a Human-Centred Manufacturing System in which humans concentrate on skills improvement related to key technologies and create high-value added work, call for a new paradigm within manufacturing sectors, incorporating human aspects in the design of production and service provision models. By utilizing this human-centred approach and aligning it with the Twin Transition (green and digital) DRUMS intends to bolster the European economy by addressing two priorities of the Industrial Strategy: maintaining European Industry’s global competitiveness and shaping Europe’s Digital Future. The proposed course will cater to the learning needs of managers, workers, and students in manufacturing sectors. It will focus on enhancing productivity, efficiency, and sustainability through the utilization of Deep Tech solutions, Robotics, and AI. The aim is to meet the evolving demands of the labor market and facilitate the development of more sustainable products. Moreover, DRUMS aims to adapt vocational education and training (VET) curricula to meet the changing skills requirements and objectives of the Twin Transition. It emphasizes innovation and skill development within the European industry, recognizing its significant contribution to the EU's economy and job market. Aligned with the Digital Education Plan and the European Green Deal, DRUMS promotes the development of a digital education ecosystem and encourages the adoption of environmentally friendly technologies. It supports circular business models and efficient resource utilization. Overall, the objective of DRUMS is not only to train a diverse workforce but also to digitize and automate the economy through a highly skilled workforce, particularly focusing on SMEs within the Manufacturing Sectors. This objective aligns with the principles of the Skills for SMEs Strategy 2030, emphasizing industry-led initiatives, innovative education and training approaches, and data-driven upskilling and reskilling efforts.


Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering

Badgasteiner Stra?e 1
28359 Bremen, Germany


University of Technology Vienna

Karlsplatz 13,
1040 Vienna,


University of Zagreb

Trg Republike, Hrvatske 14,
HR-10000 Zagreb,


Technology Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia

Road Perales,
30510 Yecla, Murcia


TECOS Slovenia

Kidri?eva 25,
SI-3000 Celje,



2 Boulevard Thomas Gobert,
91120 Palaiseau,



The DRUMS project has been financed within the framework of Erasmus+ programme (KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training; Nr. 2023-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000155846)