
AiF ZIM-Projekt GrasStabil

As part of the redesign of the harvesting vehicle for a productive and reliable asparagus harvest, the primary requirement was high stability combined with high dynamics. This is achieved on the one hand via robust asparagus detection and an adaptive chassis and on the other via the connection between the harvesting tool and chassis, the harvesting frame and the harvesting kinematics. The "GrasStabil" project is investigating whether and how the functions of the harvesting frame and harvesting kinematics can be separated and how conceptual requirements for leveling and damping can be met in order to enable a highly productive dynamic harvesting process. At the end of the project funded here, a prototype will be available that can drive and steer itself over an asparagus field, selectively harvesting and depositing asparagus spears either while driving (with a low asparagus density) or in stop-and-go mode (with a high asparagus density). Errors caused by pitching, rolling etc. are compensated for by leveling the harvesting frame. Various measures designed on the bime have been implemented to keep vibrations in the vehicle to a minimum.


A. Leu, M. Razavi, L. Langst?dtler, D. Risti?-Durrant, H. Raffel, C. Schenck, A. Gr?ser, B. Kuhfuss: Robotic green asparagus selective harvesting. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume: 22, Issue: 6 - 10.1109/TMECH.2017.2735861, New Jersey 2017


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kuhfu?
kuhfussprotect me ?!bimeprotect me ?!.de


Project Management

Dr.-Ing. Lasse Langst?dtler
langstaedtlerprotect me ?!bimeprotect me ?!.de



Project partners

Strauss Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH und Centiv GmbH