Outstanding Doctoral Supervision – Award Ceremony 2021
Honoring exemplary empowerment of early-career scholars 2021
On July 14th, the award for outstanding doctoral supervision was given to two university professors, Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler and Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines, for their professional and encouraging support of doctoral candidates. It is worth 4000 Euros. The prize money is sponsored by Alumni der Universit?t Bremen e.V and awarded for the specific purpose of facilitating the success of doctoral candidates. The award honors both the demanding task of doctoral supervision and exemplary empowerment of early-career scholars. A further objective of the award is to promote a high standard of doctoral supervision as per the position paper “Qualit?tssicherung der Promotion an der Universit?t Bremen” (‘Quality assurance in doctoral studies at the University of Bremen’) from May 2015.

Providing guidance on the doctoral path
"... I would wish any PhD student to have a supervisor like [mine], able to guide the student in the growth process, ... never blaming for eventual mistakes, but rather making them an opportunity to learn and improve."

"Ohne Krise keine Tiefe!"
"[Meine Betreuerin] hat es geschafft zu vermitteln, dass Krisensituationen kein Ausdruck vom eigenen Scheitern sind, sondern dazu ermutigen sollten, noch tiefer zu gehen und keinesfalls aufzugeben."

Internationalit?t und Vernetzung
"Vernetzungen entwickelten sich dabei [in der Betreuungsphase] nicht nur national, sondern vor allem auch international. 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 […] mündeten in vielf?ltigen interdisziplin?ren Lehr- und Forschungsprojekten, die bis heute Bestand haben."

Fostering individuality and diversity
"...due to my background, I started my PhD having many insecurities about myself and my capabilities. [My supervisor] didn’t ... only supervise my work, he also gave me confidence in myself, my work and my abilities as a scientist."
Dr. Marie Saade
Bremen Early Career Researcher Development
Phone: 0421-218-60327
Email: marie.saade@vw.uni-bremen.de
Building: SFG Room 0265
Successful Call 2021
BYRD received almost 60 nominations from former doctoral researchers!