Services on Campus
This page offers you an overview of services for early-career researchers on campus:
- Qualification Offers and Mentoring Programs
- Research Services and Transfer
- Counselling
- Representatives of Interest Group
Qualification Offers and Mentoring Programs
Human Resources Development
Human Resources Development offers transferable skills workshops for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the University.

Office for University Didactics
The Office for University Didactics organizes and designs university didactic training courses for all lecturers at the University of Bremen. The aim is to improve didactic training and continuing education and to coordinate the various central and decentralized activities in this field.

Department for Equal Opportunities
At the department for equal opportunities we offer workshops and mentoring programmes to support female scientists in their goal to reach a doctoral degree or as postdoc researchers. The programme perspektive promotionoffers counseling and workshops for female doctoral students of all faculties. "plan m - Mentoring in Science" and "navigare - Career Coaching" offer women, trans-, inter- and non-binary researchers in the doctoral and post-doc phase the opportunity to acquire key skills for gender- and diversity-oriented and international career management in science.

The Languages Centre Bremen (SZHB)
The SZHB has an extensive course programme and an individual language coaching program for academic and research staff, focusing in particular on English communication skills as well as German as a Second Language. Furthermore, scholars and researchers can book English writing consultations to prepare a text or paper for publication – a process that is supported by feedback on the text and personalized strategies for the revision phase of writing.

Data Science Center
The Data Science Center (DSC) acts as focal point for data-driven research and data science at the University of Bremen. They aim at strengthening data science in research, education, and application across all faculties as well as advancing scientific discoveries through cross-disciplinary collaborations.
An interdisciplinary help desk for guidance on every phase of the data lifecycle assists with any questions related to data management and data science. Consultation during the proposal phase and throughout the whole research process is tailored to researchers at all career stages and skill levels.

Data Train
“Data Train–Training in Research Data Management and Data Science” offers lectures and workshops for doctoral candidates from the UBremen Research Alliance to strengthen their competences in data science, research data management and data literacy.

Research Services and Transfer
Unit 12 - Research Services
Unit 12 - Research Services gives support in finding suitable funding possibilities, in particular funding by the DFG and the EU. The Central Research Development Funding allocates funds for conference participation, bridge scholarships and postdoctoral positions.

Unit 16 – UniTransfer
Unit 16 – UniTransfer is the contact for all questions concerning cooperation between science, economy and society. UniTransfer accompanies patent applications of university inventions as well as their marketing, and counsels university members about company start-ups (BRIDGE).
The mentoring programme “ProMentes” also belongs to UniTransfer.

Welcome Center
The Welcome Center of U Bremen Research Alliance supports international researchers and their families before and during their stay in Bremen regardless of the length of their stay or how the stay is financed. As a central service point, it assists all newcoming researchers in non-academic matters to help organize their life in Bremen and make it as enjoyable and uncomplicated as possible. Whether you are here for a month or have been appointed to a permanent post, our services are available to you. Through a broad network of internal and external partners the Welcome Center provides a range of administrative and social services.

The Advisory & Information Centre on Discrimination & Violence (ADE) offers counselling and information on how to deal with discrimination, conflicts, and violence at the study and workplace. They are available for all students and employees of all public universities (University of Bremen, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, University of the Arts Bremen, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven) and the core administration of the public service in the state of Bremen. The counselling is confidential and free of charge.

Family Care Office
The Family Care Office is a service that offers advice, events and meetings for all members of the university on all questions concerning the family: from pregnancy to caring for relatives.

Social Counseling Service
The internal social counseling service within the University of Bremen is providing help to all employees at the university who have problems at work, private problems or health related problems. The counselling service is free of charge and is fully confidential.
Psychological Counselling Centre (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk
As a student, you are entitled to free, informal counselling from the Psychological Counselling Centre (PBS) on campus. All staff, of course, observe strict confidentiality.
Representatives of Interest Groups
Women's Representative
The Women's Representative of all female academics advocates for women’s interests at the university and represents women’s interests in university bodies as well as in appointed committees. In case female researchers or students encounter problems, the Women's Representative offers support and advise.
Representatives for Severely Disabled Persons
The Representatives for Severely Disabled Persons ( is an elected body representing the interests of colleagues with disabilities. It looks after the interests of severely disabled employees as well as employees of equal status at the university and advocates for their rights.
KRAM (Kollegiumsrat Akademischer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter)
KRAM is the council of all non-professoral academic staff members at the University of Bremen.
Staff Council
The Staff Council (Personalrat) is the legal representative body of all staff of the university. You can contact its members in case of work related problems.