Our Offers for Postdoctoral Researchers


In order to support postdocs and experienced scientists on their way to a professorship or a position in industry or society, BYRD organizes a workshop program with a focus on the topics

  • academic career development
  • careers beyond academia
  • networking
  • personal development
[Translate to English:] Menschen vor Pinnwand


We will be happy to advise you personally on questions regarding orientation after your doctorate, funding and support opportunities at the University of Bremen and on career paths within and outside academia.

Feel free to arrange an appointment with Dr. Imke Gir?mann:
Phone: 0421-218-60329
E-Mail: imke.girssmannprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two people in conversation at an office table.


We would like to support you in building your network!
We offer you the opportunity to form a group with other scientists in the postdoc phase and to set up joint projects with financial support from BYRD.


Detailed information


Der Boulevard der Uni Bremen vor dem GW2 bei Sonne

Individual Coaching

Our coaching pool provides the opportunity to profit from professional consultation for all postdocs who are in their qualification phase and have a temporary contract at the University of Bremen. We cooperate with professionally trained coaches in different areas.

Individual Coaching for Postdoctoral Researchers

Schuhe einer Person, die eine Treppe hinaufgeht