
A current list of open bachelor/master theses can be found here.

Looking for students for interviews

We are currently conducting, recording and automatically analyzing interviews of about 500 participants, aged 60 years and older.

If you're good with (elderly) people, interested in conducting interviews, language is your thing and you would like to earn money along the way – get in touch with us.

Only available for students fluent in German.

Hiwi Job: Machine Listening

We are looking for interested students for a student assistant position in an interdisciplinary project. In this project, we are working on equipping machines with the human ability of selective listening (also referred to as the cocktail party problem).

Job Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher under the MyVoice Project

The Cognitive Systems Lab offers a position as postdoctoral researcher in the field of machine learning and speech processing. In the MyVoice project, muscle activity signals (Electromyography) are processed using machine learning methods in order to synthesize acoustic speech signals. The research project will be conducted at the Cognitive Systems Lab in cooperation with the Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale in Switzerland. 

For more information, please refer to:


Hiwi Job: Developing a Framework for Interactive Online Experiments

We are looking for interested students for a student assistant job in an interdisciplinary project. In this project, we are investigating how the similarity of non-verbal facial cues (e.g., movements or headwear) affects social interaction. We use VR techniques to create experiments, e.g., a video conference with real-time animated avatars.