Dr. Felix Putze

University of Bremen
Cartesium, Room 2.43
Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 5
28215 Bremen


+49 (0)421 21864272

Google Scholar profile

ORCID: 0000-0001-5203-8797

Looking for a thesis topic?

A great preparation for a thesis with me is to attend my courses on "Fundamentals of Machine Learning" (Bachelor), "Advanced Machine Learning" or "Brain Pattern Recognition" (both Master). I am always looking for motivated students who I consider full members of my research team, working within real research projects (with the right scope for the respective experience level). You can find some inspirations for thesis topics in the slides below, but I always try to find a topic tailored to students' interests and capabilities, i.e., get in contact with me if you are interested.

Other Duties

Deputy Spokesperson of the Ethics Committee

Module coordinator and member of the selection committee for the Master of Neuroscience

Member of working groups on the future of teaching in computer science and with AI

(Copyright Moritz Meier)

Research topics and projects

I work as an independent research group leader within the Cognitive Systems Lab. My research interests are focussed on knowledge representation of multimodal signals for cognitive modeling, with applications in cognitive science and Human-Computer Interaction. I often combine methods from machine learning with symbolic knowledge representation and cognitive models to predict human cognitive states at scale. Transparency and interpretability are important aspects of such models which I value highly. What I enjoy most about this type of research is that is most often interdisciplinary in nature: I work together with international experts in psychology, gerontology, economics, neuroscience and other fields.

Current projects:

Principal Investigator in the DFG research unit Lifespan AI (since 2023) on the topics "Lifespan Knowledge Representation" and "Hybrid Universal Embedding"

Principal Investigator in the DFG CRC EASE (since 2022) on the topic "Enabling Next-Level LabLinking Framework for Virtual Experiment Spaces to Study Everyday Activities"

Past projects:

Principal Investigator of the DFG project DINCO "Detection of Interaction-Competencies and Interaction-Obstacles" (2016-2020)

Principal Investigator of the university-funded focus project "Attention-driven Interaction Systems in Augmented Reality" (2018-2021)

Principal Investigator of the interdisciplinary DFG project "PALMS: Plasticity of the minimal self in healthy aging" (2018-2022)

Some impressions of my research

Exploring Virtual Reality LabLinking together with university president Jutta Günther. (Copyright Rathi Adarshi Rammohan)
Multimodal data recording during human-robot-interaction to support everyday activities. (Copyright Pollmeier, Uni Bremen)
CARL- Collaborative Augmented Reality for LabLinking (available at: https://cognitive-systems-lab.github.io/CARL-Collaborative-Augmented-Reality-for-LabLinking/)
Attention-adaptive Smart Home Control with AR display using brain and gaze data (Finalist for IEEE Brain Best Paper Award at BMI Workshop 2019: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8914390)
International & Interdisciplinary workshop on "Data Augmentation and Imputation for Health Data" (2024), organized together witth Werner Brannath, Serge Autexier, Klaus Eickel, and Max Westphal, funded by the VW Foundation.
Presentation on "Cognitive Modeling for Mixed Reality Systems" at LMU (invited by Sven Mayer in the TRR Lecture Series)

Selected Publications

Chiossi, F., Ou, C., Gerhardt, C., Putze, F., & Mayer, S. (2025). Designing and evaluating an adaptive virtual reality system using eeg frequencies to balance internal and external attention states. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 196, 103433. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103433

Putze, F., Putze, S., Sagehorn, M., Micek, C., & Solovey, E. T. (2022). Understanding HCI practices and challenges of experiment reporting with brain signals: Towards reproducibility and reuse. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 29(4), 1-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3490554

Vortmann, L. M., Weidenbach, P., & Putze, F. (2022). AtAwAR Translate: Attention-Aware Language Translation Application in Augmented Reality for Mobile Phones. Sensors, 22(16), 6160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s22166160

Putze, F., & Salous, M. (2021). Multimodal differentiation of obstacles in repeated adaptive human-computer interactions. In 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 260-269). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3397481.3450641

Vortmann, L. M., Kroll, F., & Putze, F. (2019). EEG-based classification of internally-and externally-directed attention in an augmented reality paradigm. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 13, 348. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2019.00348