Welcome to the Cognitive Systems Lab!

At the Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL, group of Prof. Tanja Schultz) we focus on human-centered technologies and applications based on biosignals, such as capturing, recognizing, and interpreting speech, muscle, and brain activity.

In the area of speech processing we perform research on algorithms and tools to rapidly adapt speech and language processing systems to new domains and languages.

Furthermore we investigate the interpretation of biosignals for the purpose of intuitive and efficient human-machine interfaces. Currently we develop a variety of interfaces and applications based on electromyographic, electroencephalic and biomechanic signals.

Prof. Tanja Schultz holding an EEG cap
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz


Cognitive Systems Lab
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz

Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
DE-28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0) 421 218 64270
Email: tanja.schultzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Memberships and associations:

News & Events

BBDC 2025: the tenth round begins

On 01.03.2025 the time has finally come: The ¡°Bremen Big Data Challenge¡± (BBDC) is entering its tenth round! We cordially invite you to the final event of the BBDC on 23.05.2025!


BBDC Event 2024 on May 24th, 2024

We cordially invite you to the closing ceremony of the BBDC on May 24th, 2024! The event will feature interesting welcome words, award ceremonies, talks, posters, and lab tours. A program highlight is an exciting keynote by Prof. Dr. Alexander M?dche from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).



BBDC 2024: The ninth edition starts!

The wait is over: The ninth ¡°Bremen Big Data Challenge¡° (BBDC) will launch on March 1st, 2024!

Talk Prof. Hung-yi Lee "Towards a Speech Version of ChatGPT"

On September 8 2023 we had a visitor from Taiwan, Prof. Hung-yi Lee, Associate professor at the National Taiwan University. Here is his webpage at https://speech.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~hylee/index.php  -- he is a rising star in Machine Learning. He visited the lab, gave a talk and is available for…

Biosignals meet Adaptive Systems

In a new paper by MMM-speaker Tanja Schultz and Prof. Alexander Maedche (KIT), published in SN Applied Sciences, the authors present a new perspective on Biosignal-Adaptive Systems (BAS) which automatically adapt to user needs by continuously interpreting their biosignals and by providing…


Prize Award Ceremony BBDC 2023

We cordially invite you to the award ceremony of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2023! The ceremony, including an exciting talk by Prof. Dr. Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo from the Paderborn University, takes place on the 26th of May 2023 from 2 - 4 PM.

New LabLinking Publication: ¡°EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in Human¨CRobot Interaction: A LabLinking Pilot Study¡±

Congratulations to the team of Birte Richter, Felix Putze, Gabriel Ivucic, Mara Brandt, Christian Sch¨¹tze, Rafael Reisenhofer, Britta Wrede, and Tanja Schultz for their new publication describing the MMM-supported LabLinking initiative entitled: ¡°EEG Correlates of Distractions and Hesitations in…

Apply now: 11 new Lifespan AI positions


BBDC 2023: With a new structure into the competition

The wait is over: The eighth ¡°Bremen Big Data Challenge¡° (BBDC) will launch on March 1st, 2023!

YRMA Award for Hui Liu

Hui Liu was selected as a YERUN (Young European Research Universities Networks) Scholar 2022 and received a YRMA (YERUN Research Mobility Award) to support the research collaboration with Nova University, Lisbon.

Hui Liu is one of the two awardees at the University of Bremen who received this…

MindTalks 27.06.

June 27th, 2022, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, Room 2030, Cognium, Hochschulring 18

Machine Listening Prof. Dr. Haizhou Li

The excellence chair Prof. Dr. Haizhou Li will present a research program that aims to design, implement, and verify a biologically inspired auditory attention model for machine listening.…

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022 Logo

Prize Award Ceremony BBDC 2022

We cordially invite you to the award ceremony of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022! The ceremony, including an exciting talk by Prof. Dr. Thang Vu, takes place on the 13th of May 2022 from 2 - 4 PM.

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022 Logo

BBDC 2022

The wait is over: The seventh ¡°Bremen Big Data Challenge¡° will launch on March 1st, 2022!

University of Bremen is official Sponsor of ICASSP

We are very pleased to announce that the University of Bremen and the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), chaired by our MMM excellence chair Prof. Dr. Haizhou Li, have now officially joined forces to help advance research in this field! The University of…

MindTalks: December 2021 edition

The MindTalks lecture series goes into the next round! Start is 06 December 2021, 16:30-18:00.

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2021 Logo

Award Ceremony BBDC 2021

We cordially invite you to the award ceremony of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2021! The ceremony, including an exciting talk by U Bremen Exzellenz Chair Prof. Haizhou Li on the Cocktail Party Effect, takes place via Zoom on the 28th of May 2021 from 10:30 to 12:00 am.

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Dear all,

the series of MindTalks, which started in winter term 2019/2020, will continue in summer term. Due to the present situation it will again take place via Zoom.

Information about dates, speakers, titles, Zoom-access can be seen on the attached poster respectively the website


BBDC 2021

Get ready for the 6th Bremen Big Data Challenge starting on March 1st 2021, sponsored by neuland B¨¹ro f¨¹r Informatik and the Sparkasse Bremen and supported by the special research area Minds, Media, Machines. Prizes from 500€ to 100€ are up for grabs!

The BBDC will run from the 1st of March to the…

[Translate to English:]

Minds, Media, Machines in the Weser-Kurier

Prof. Tanja Schultz, was interviewed as a spokesperson for the high profile area "Minds, Media, Machines" in a current article by the Weser-Kurier.


We are glad to announce that the series of talks "Innovations in Brain Research in Bremen and the area around", which started in winter term 2019/2020, will be continued. Due to the present situation, all six talks will take place via the platform "Zoom". Dates, titles of talks, abstracts, as well…

SmartHelm: Safety in View

The SmartHelm team reports on the ongoing development of our intelligent helmet for bike couriers in the current issue of "Die Wirtschaft"

BBDC 2020 - Award ceremony

Congratulations to the winners of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2020, Team AIMasters! We are happy that we could make a great (virtual) award ceremony this year and want to thank our sponsors (Neuland und Sparkasse Bremen) once again! See you next year!

The complete result and more information…

BBDC 2020 Poster

BBDC 2020

Get ready for the 5th Bremen Big Data Challenge starting on March 1st 2020! More information on the BBDC website: http://bbdc.csl.uni-bremen.de

CSL in "Wissen vor Acht"

The CSLs work in the area of Silent Speech has been featured in the German national televisions "Wissen vor Acht" show. You can see the segment here:

This was preceded by an article about the same topic in Heise Technology



Keynote @ Interspeech 2019

Tanja Schultz held a keynote on "Biosignal Processing for Human-Machine Interaction" at Interspeech 2019, the largest conference on the science and technology of spoken language processing, and flagship of ISCA. Talk on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkQnzP7yPA) Slides for download: https…

Special Issue on Speech & Dementia

Special Issue "Speech & Dementia"

Prof. T. Schultz is the leading guest editor of the Computer Speech and Language Special Issue on "Speech and Dementia". Please see the CfP for further details.

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019

It is almost time: The next iteration of the Bremen Big Data Challenge will start on March 1st, this time with data about everyday activities! More information on the BBDC website: https://bbdc.csl.uni-bremen.de

ICMI 2018 Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data

The CSL co-organizes a workshop on modeling cognitive processes from multimodal data at the ACM ICMI conference in Boulder, Colorado, USA.


Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) in the Bulletin of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik

The Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat) published a report about the Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) in its current bulletin issue (No. 19). The BBDC is a yearly stundent challenge in the field of big data and machine learning organized by CSL.

The text is published here:…