Checklists and Tool Kit

Use checklists and tools to review and, if needed, adapt your materials for accessibility

With our checklists and tool kit, we want to support you in reviewing and creating accessible digital materials and content on your own. One of our services is having video recordings translated into German sign language.


With participation: 

Sarah Bohnert, Christina Broo, Uwe Dombeck, Jule Günter, Jule Günter, Alexander Pfingstl, Finnja Lüttmann, u. a. ?Barrierefreie Dokumente in Lernkontexten. Eine Handreichung. Version 1.3“. Bochum: Zust?ndige Fachaufsichtsbeh?rde für die ?berwachungsstelle des Bundes für Barrierefreiheit von Informationstechnik, 2023. (In German)

Information material from the University of Bremen:

Ingrid Zondervan. ?Studieren mit Beeintr?chtigung. Lernen ohne Barrieren. Leitfaden für Lehrende“. Bremen: Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung (KIS), 2023. /fileadmin/user_upload/sites/kis/Broschueren/Leitfaden_fuer_Lehrende_2307.pdf.

Ingrid Zondervan. ?Studieren mit Beeintr?chtigung. Nachteilsausgleich. für Studierende mit k?rperlicher oder psychischer Beeintr?chtigung“. Bremen: Kontakt- und Informationsstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung (KIS), 2023. /fileadmin/user_upload/sites/kis/Broschueren/Nachteilsausgleich_2307.pdf.


The checklists contain step-by-step instructions and list criteria to provide a basis for the independent creation and reviewing of accessible materials for the documents and formats listed below. The updated versions are only available in German:

Download of all checklists:

Offer for Automatic Subtitling of Class Recordings (Audio/Video)

Subtitles are necessary to make video material with spoken content accessible for people with hearing disabilities. Additionally, they can provide support in terms of comprehension for foreign speakers as well as all addressed persons, e.g in case of poor internet connection. BALLON offers you the possibility to add subtitles to your video material using the Amberscript software.

Amberscript is a software program that uses speech recognition to convert spoken language into written subtitles. Subtitles are available in 39 languages. Visit the Amberscript website for more information about automatic subtitling and about data protection.

The offer is available to university staff (e.g teaching and administrative staff) who want to make their video materials inclusive.

If you would like to take advantage of the software available, please follow these steps:

1. Write an email to ballonprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de with information about the amount of video minutes that need to be captioned. Note: As of 31 December 2013, this e-mail address will no longer be available due to the end of the project.

2. Note: You do not necessarily have to contact BALLON as an individual. It is possible for your organization/faculty to obtain a shared team account in which the time allotment for translation can be distributed to individual team members.

3. BALLON will send you an access link to an Amberscript (team) account with the time allowance for subtitles.

4. With this access, you/your team members can subtitle material independently with little effort. You will also receive a step-by-step guide to help you when using the software. Said guide is currently being created.

The BALLON team is happy to help you with any inquiries you may have.

Translation into German Sign Language

We currently still have capacities available for the translation of video material into German sign language. Either a German sign language translation can be added to existing material or a translation can already be considered during the planning stage of a video. If you are interested, please contact us at ballonprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de and provide the following information (Note: As of 31 December 2013, this e-mail address will no longer be available due to the end of the project):

  • Number of videos
  • Length of video(s)
  • Video title
  • Target group
  • Deadline (when do you need the translation)

Tool Kit

Here are some useful tools for the creation and revision of accessible materials:

  • Word processing programs

Recommended: Microsoft Word

Alternatively: OpenOffice and LibreOffice

  • PDF reader

Recommended: Adobe Acrobat Pro

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)

International recommendations for making Web content more accessible, URL:

  • Contrast checker

Contrast Checker, URL:

Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA), URL: Color Contrast Checker - TPGi

  • Screen reader

Recommended: NVDA, URL:

Alternatively: JAWS, URL:

Built-in alternative: VoiceOver (Mac), Microsoft Narrator (Windows)

  • PDF Accessibility Checker



  • Web Accessibility Checker

Manual accessibility checker: BIK, URL:

Automatic accessibility checker: WAVE, URL:


If you have questions or feedback about the checklists or tools, do not hesitate to contact the BALLON team. We look forward to working with you to make teaching accessible.